Kajser je napisao/la:
Interesantna lista, gde si je nasao.
Prestige .I je drugi , ima dobar balans ali je nenormalno zahtevan reket.
Ne dozvoljava nikakve greske.
Po mom ukusu je Pure Control, moj prijatelj ga ima,probao nekoliko puta - super je.
Nisam nikada probao Agassi-jev Head Radical, kazu da je puno meksi od Prestige-a , nekakva sredina . Mislim da bi mi odgovarao.
Vidi cijeli citat
http://www.racquetresearch.com/quality_index.htmOvo je formula:
A fairly reliable index of racquet quality is the ratio Mr
, which in
spreadsheet cell formula is [(M*r^2)/I] . The variables in
this ratio are the
published racquet specifications for strung and gripped
racquets. M is the racquet
mass, in kilograms (e.g. 320 grams = 0.320 kg), r is the distance, in
centimeters, from
the butt to the balance point, and I is the swingweight about the
standard 10 cm axis of
rotation used for published swingweight measurements.
For example, the Prince Graphite Classic OS has a mass of 348
grams, a balance of 30.8
cm, and a swingweight of 335, according to the USRSA
database. Plugging these values
into the formula:
Mr2/I = (0.348*30.8^2)/335 = 0.985
Lako se može saznati za novije rekete samo mi fali ovaj r recimo:
balance ili r:? piše 8points head light? može se od oka izmjeriti ta udaljenost ali nisam siguran što im "butt" znači, guzica reketa?