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Nigde u pravilima tenisa ne pise da nije dozvoljeno da igrac reketom udari lopticu u delu terena protivnika.Pogledajte voleje,ima milion takvih slucajeva,ne izmisljajte pravila.
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Rule 24 (h) makes the issue clear. “The point is lost,” it states, “if the player hits the ball before it has passed the net.”poštenjačina Nole u suradnji s Marrinerom
evo ti copy/paste da naučiš..
The point is lost if:
a. The player serves two consecutive faults; or
b. The player does not return the ball in play before it bounces twice
consecutively; or
c. The player returns the ball in play so that it hits the ground, or before it
bounces, an object, outside the correct court; or
d. The player returns the ball in play so that, before it bounces, it hits a
permanent fixture; or
e. The receiver returns the service before it bounces; or
f. The player deliberately carries or catches the ball in play on the racket or
deliberately touches it with the racket more than once; or
g. The player or the racket, whether in the player’s hand or not, or anything
which the player is wearing or carrying touches the net, net posts/singles
sticks, cord or metal cable, strap or band, or the opponent’s court at any time
while the ball is in play; or
h. The player hits the ball before it has passed the net; or
i. The ball in play touches the player or anything that the player is wearing or
carrying, except the racket; or
j. The ball in play touches the racket when the player is not holding it; or
k. The player deliberately and materially changes the shape of the racket when
the ball is in play; or
l. In doubles, both players touch the ball when returning it.
[uredio Luka_Real - 27. ožujka 2014. u 04:17]