[QUOTE]No npr za Puertu se broji 9 drugih turnira i 5 mastersa.
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kod Puerte je to slučaj zbog ovog pravila -
''For every Grand Slam and Tennis Masters Series Tournament for which a player is not in the Main Draw, and was not (and, in the case of a Grand Slam, would not have been, had he and all other players entered) a Main Draw Direct Acceptance on the original Acceptance List, and never became a Main Draw Direct Acceptance, the number of his results from all International Series Tournaments played in the calendar year, that count for his ranking, is increased by one.''
zbog slabog renkinga u prvom dijelu sezone nije bio u glavnom na Aussie Openu, Indian Wellsu i Miamiju (dobio nekoliko WC-eva i odigrao nešto challengera u to vrijeme)...
ne mogu to provjerit, al izgleda da nije imao dovoljno dobar renking ni za izravni ulaz u Rim (pa mu se ni to ne računa), jer je malo kasnije trebao (i prošao) u kvale Hamburga,
pa mu se za ta četiri turnira u koje nije imao izravni ulaz (tri tms-a + Aussie Open) dodaju četiri obična international series turnira