Rafael Nadal Parera - najveći svih vremena?

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.138
15. studenog 2013. u 16:55

Nadal-Djokovic rivalry lacks certain something

Two notes before we start:

1. The 2014 Hall of Fame ballots are out. As we've done in the past, I'll turn my ballot into your ballot and vote according to you guys. The candidates are Lindsay Davenport, Mary Pierce and Conchita Martinez. To spare the in-box, vote via Twitter @jon_wertheim.

2. Nathaniel Boni Aserios of Cebu, Philippines, writes: "I am reaching out to you for assistance in spreading the word to your followers/readers regarding the recent typhoon that swept through the Philippines last Friday. More than 2,000 people have died from one of the strongest storms on record, and the decimation has affected hundreds of thousands of people. We need all the help that we can get to provide assistance to the victims." Click here for information about how to help and where to donate.

Rafael Nadal vs. Novak Djokovic is the greatest men's tennis rivalry ever, right? They've played the most matches head-to-head. They've met in the finals of every Grand Slam tournament. They've played many tight matches in the Slams. They have a close record, and it's rare that there's a heavy favorite for any match they play. What sayeth JW?
-- Daniel Rabbitt, Morrisville, N.C.

• Um ... well ... hold on, I have to take this call on my other line. Honestly, I am stumped here. Nadal and Djokovic have played each other more times (39) than anyone in the Open era. Nadal leads the head-to-head 22-17 -- far more competitive than Nadal's series with Roger Federer, who trails 22-10. Nadal has met Djokovic in the final of every major, plus the year-end shebang. (Federer and Nadal have never played at the U.S. Open.) Djokovic on Monday beat Nadal for the third time in 2013. Fittingly, Nadal had beaten Djokovic three times this year as well. Oh, and they are born barely a year apart, meaning that we're not left feeling as though one is past his prime when they play.

So, why is this not trumpeted as the great rivalry in sports, much less in tennis? Why do many consider it second to Nadal-Federer?

I'm at something of a loss here. Here's the best I can come up with: Nadal-Federer is (was?) such a vivid contrast in styles -- the easy grace of Federer versus the toil and trouble of Nadal, celestial versus earthbound, lefty versus righty, flight versus fight. (Why, you could almost write an entire book about it.) Apart from fans suffering from "rivalry fatigue" -- casting their lot with either Federer or Nadal -- and not having the capital to invest in another rivalry, Nadal-Djokovic doesn't quite play out on the court. The matches are long and hard-fought, but they're seldom pretty. And they don't offer the same clash of styles.

If it feels like I'm rationalizing the grasping, well, you got me. Empirically and rationally, Nadal-Djokovic ought to be the ultimate rivalry. It just doesn't quite feel like it. Yet.

Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 06.03.2010.
Poruka: 452
15. studenog 2013. u 18:34
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Lako je Rogeru mirno spavati kada su njegovi glavni konkurenti tada bili Ljuba Truba, relijaš Nalbandian i slična boranija, a Nadal, Đoković i Murray još nisu teniski stasali.

Čim se to dogodilo, Federer se strmoglavio.

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Kakav si ti bijednik, pa ne baš mali dio je proveo na broju 1 kada su svi navedeni stasali, a prvi puta je došao na broj 1 2004-te godine. I vrlo zanimljivo je kako kao argument za Federerovu dominaciju navodiš navodnu nikakvu konkurenciju, dok za kasnije broj 1 (Nadal, Đoković) navodiš kako im je ostarjeli Federer konkurencija. Shvaćaš li koliko si glup?

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.138
15. studenog 2013. u 20:53
Ti si nešto sanjao. Ovdje ti sve piše...


Da vidimo, Nadal je osvojio 13 GS-ova, a u finalu je 6 puta pobijedio Rogera (4xRG, 1xAO, 1xW), 3 puta Novaka (2xUO, 1xRG)! To je 9 "pravih" GS-ova!


Roger je osvojio 17 GS….njegov protivnik u finalu je bio Mark Philippoussis (Wimby 2003), Marat Safin (AO 2004), Andy Roddick (Wimby 2004, 2005, 2009) (US Open 2006), Leyton Hewitt (US open 2004), Andre Agassi (US open 2005), Marcos Bagdhatis (AO 2006), Rafael Nadal (Wimby 2006, 2007), Fernando Gonzalez (AO 2007), Novak Djokovic (US Open 2007), Andy Murray (US Open 2008) (AO 2010) (Wimby 2012), Robin Soderling (FO 2009).
Znaci osvojio je 2 GS protiv Nadala, 1 protiv Novaka,3 protiv Murraya i 1 protiv Agassija = 7 GS. Ostali GS su bezveze jer je konkurencija bila smesna….

Djokovic je osvojio 6 GS…njegovi protivnici u finalu su bili: Jo Wilfred Tsonga (AO 2008), Andy Murray (AO 2011, 2013), Rafael Nadal (Wimby 2011) (US Open 2011) (AO 2012)…
Novak je osvojio 2 GS protiv Murraya i 3 protiv Nadala = 5 GS
Roger ima dva GS vise, u pravu su ovi sto kazu da je Roger postigao vise…
(London's calling, 1. novembar 2013 22:16)
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.04.2012.
Poruka: 6.715
15. studenog 2013. u 21:34
Nije mi jasno samo kako Murray moze uc u istu recenicu sa ovim trojcem?! Do US-a 2012-e bija je glavni trtaros. Bila san uvjerena da taj nikad GS-a nece osvojit jer bi uvik mentalno pa u najbitnijim momentima. Ja bi rekla da tek sad nakon sta je osvojia Wimblic i rijesija se tereta on postaje prijetnja Rafi i Djokici.
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 06.03.2010.
Poruka: 452
16. studenog 2013. u 10:31
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Što tu piše? Nečije forum mišljenje, a ti pretačeš to u činjenice, shvaćaš li ti uopće svoj problem? Konstantno citiraš bloger i forum razmišljanja one strane medalje koja ti odgovara, citiraš forum "argumente" kao nepobitnu činjenicu i zato ispadaš smiješan.

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.138
17. studenog 2013. u 11:10
Slazem se da je tesko naci merilo za odredjivanje najboljeg. Ali sto se Nadala tice postoji dosta argumenata koji mu idu u prilog kada je prica o najboljem u istoriji u pitanju. Sto se tica H2H nije toliko bitan koliko je bitna cinjenica da je Nadal gotovo uvek dominirao nad Federerom. To malo baca mrlju na Federerov status najboljeg u istoriji. Mnogo poraza je doziveo od Nadala, premnogo. Neki velikani ove igre poput Navratilove na primer i Nika Bolitjerija kazu da je Nadal najbolji, a ono sto uzimaju kao kriterjum je taj njegov odnos sa Federerom, vreme u kom su osvojili titule kao i protivnike. Dobar deo svojih titula Fed je osvojio protiv slabijih rivala, koji su bili sjajno igraci ali daleko od kvaliteta Djokovica i Nadala, i doksu Nadal i Nole bili jako mladi. Nadal je svoje titule osvojio u vreme dok je Federer bio u punoj snazi, protiv sjajnog Djokovica i Mareja. Nadalov put je dosta tezi. Na kraju bice bitan broj GS titula, mada uz ovakav H2H sa Federerom Nadalu ce biti dosta da dodje do broja 15, sto je sasvim realno. Uz sve te primedbe da je Nadal sljakas ne zaboravite da je Nadal jedini u istoriji koji je gren slemove na svim podlogama osvajao bar 2 puta, ima 3 titule na betonu, dve na travi, 8 na sljaci. Uz to zlato na OI, rekordnih 26 mastersa, 4 dejvis kupa.. Ima tu dosta argumenata..
(Petar, 14. novembar 2013 21:50)
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.138
17. studenog 2013. u 11:12
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Što tu piše? Nečije forum mišljenje, a ti pretačeš to u činjenice, shvaćaš li ti uopće svoj problem? Konstantno citiraš bloger i forum razmišljanja one strane medalje koja ti odgovara, citiraš forum "argumente" kao nepobitnu činjenicu i zato ispadaš smiješan.

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Ovaj ispod nije forumaš!

Dakle, Nick Bollettieri još 2011. godine vidio je "svjetlo na kraju tunela"!

Rafael Nadal: The Best Ever?

It’s not often that I can’t find the right words to analyze a match or a player, but that is the case with Mr. Nadal. His game is incredibly unique and I am not sure if we will ever see another player like him and that is why he is so great for the sport of tennis. I’ve had many people asking me to break down Nadal’s game and explain to them how he does what he does, so I will do my best!


Nadal has a strong western grip with his hitting hand directly under the handle. He is able to generate incredible spin with his shots and the balls will often bounce very high above the shoulder of his opponents. He can also drive the ball. He does not drop the racket-head below the ball as much as he does when he hits with spin. Lastly, the string he uses is difficult to master, but he is able to harness its power to add more spin and cause the ball to jump and bounce forward.

He also has what I have termed the “cowboy-lasso follow-through” on the forehand side. He hits his forehand and his racket whips around his head and ends up on the hitting side. Folks: Do not try this at home! This is a dangerous shot and only a few can master it (Schiavone and Sharapova comes to mind here). If you do try it, have the medic standing by to stitch up the cuts on your head. Some experts and coaches say this type of shot is the result of making contact when the ball is behind you. I think Nadal, Schiavone and Sharapova are doing just fine with it, don’t you?


Even though Nadal plays tennis as a lefty he is actually right-handed and that is a major asset for him because his right hand (top hand) does all the work on the backhand side. He has a very effective low-biting slice, he can come inside the baseline and attack balls above his shoulder (this is where his top hand helps so much), and he is very dangerous when on the run or when his opponent’s come to the net. Once again, because his top hand is so strong, he is able to dip the ball down to the feet of the attacking opponent.


Nadal is also a very good doubles player and he isn’t hesitant to come in and approach the net when necessary. His approach shots are so good that all he has to do is to hit a simply block volley to the open court or behind his opponent. You will not often see him go for outright winners with his volleys.


Despite not being branded as having a sonic serve, Nadal’s serve is pretty darn effective. Being a lefty gives him an advantage especially when serving to the ad court or jamming your opponent by serving into the body. He can do a bit of everything with his serve and it is this variation that makes his serve so good. You don’t have to go for it every time, you just have to be precise and accurate.


He can move this way, that way, backwards, forwards and every direction in between. He is off the charts when stretched out wide, or behind the baseline, and he can come back with not only a good shot, but he often hits a winner leaving his opponent completely shocked and talking to themselves. What makes him so special is his lower body foundation. He is always in control with perfect balance.


I don’t have to say much here as I think it’s pretty obvious. He is as physical as it gets for a tennis player.


It’s very rare to witness any negative emotions or verbal put-downs from Nadal. If he lets down his guard here or there, it is put aside when he plays the next point. Andre Agassi was a fire-breather on the court, but he too always believed that the most important point of a match was the next one.

At this time, no one can say who the best player is, but let me say that Nadal is definitely on the short list. He is only 25 years old and if he stays healthy and can compete each day like he does right now, his chances of being the very best are not out of reach. You have to credit his family and support team for everything they do for him. I’d love to bottle that positive energy and sell it!

Finally, I’d like to just say this. The way Nadal trains and performs, he reminds me of a Navy Seal. He always finds a way to win!


[uredio Dar - 17. studenog 2013. u 11:14]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.04.2012.
Poruka: 6.715
17. studenog 2013. u 18:19
Rogerova 2006-a je vrh, al bome i Rafina 2013-e je opet bolja od Djokicine 2011-e s tim da nije igra cilu sezonu...steta-bas me zanima koji bi score ima da je odigra cilu sezonu?!

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.138
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 19.11.2013.
Poruka: 73
20. studenog 2013. u 16:59
jos uvek je Rodzer tata za obojicu ,....videcemo sta ce dalje biti
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