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rafa je španjolac, po defaultu cigan... oćemo dalje ?
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Rafael Nadal je židovskog podrijetla, iz židovske obitelji koja je prešla na kršćanstvo u vrijeme progona Židova u Španjolskoj .
"This tennis legend comes from the island of Majorca, Spain. In 1492, the Jews of Majorca were either expelled or forcibly converted. The ones who converted were never accepted. Until recently, they were called “Chuetas” and they were a breed apart. People wouldn’t marry them and they couldn’t aspire to high positions. Everyone knew they were Jews. One local church kept a list of them for public display. Recently, liberalization has changed some of that and some Chuetas have returned to Judaism. One has become a rabbi and moved to Israel. Is Majorcan Rafael Nadal a Chueta? Probably. His name is Rafael Nadal Parera. “Parera” was a common “converso” i.e., “convert” name. It means “pear tree”. It’s the kind of “neutral” name the newly baptized Jews adopted in the 15th century.