Rafael Nadal Parera - najveći svih vremena?
Nadal je ispred vremena, 11-i je sutra. ;)
(CheddarBob, 10. jun 2018 20:14)
Ne znam da li je postojala ikada teža stvar u sportu od te da se Rafa dobije na RG-u. Ne vjerujem. 86-2 na RG-u. 17-0 u DC-u na zemlji. 103-2 na tri dobijena seta Nadal ima na zemlji!
Uvijek je bilo dileme ko je najveći u sportovima, nađe se uvijek neko s kim' možete da poredite do tada neprikosnovenog. Ali ovdje nema nikakve dileme. Nadal je najbolji igrač na šljaci svih vremena. Niko nikada mu neće biti niti blizu.
AO: 4 puta finale (jedna titula)
W: 5 puta finale (dvije titule)
USO: 4 puta finale (tri titule)
OI - singl: zlato (beton)
OI - dubl: zlato (beton)
8 mastersa na betonu
Nekoliko turnira iz serije 500/250 na betonu (jedna 250 na travi)
4 puta DC (glavni igrač svaki put)
24-1 skor na DC-u. Jedan poraz, kao klinac, 17 godina mu bilo. Na tepihu.
Jako dobar dubl igrač. Od ove same kreme singl tenisa, vjerovatno najbolji.
Tri mastersa u dublu.
I onda dođu ljudi da ospore ovakvog šampiona i da kažu da može da osvaja samo šljaku zbog spinova. Da RG može da uzme samo na suncu.
Pa u 88 mečeva u Parizu, koliko li je samo puta kišilo, bilo oblačno, bez sunca... Ako 11 puta osvojiš Slem, morao si kroz sve da prođeš.
Daleko najveći šampion u tenisu, vjerovatno i u sportu.
Kakva volja, želja i upornost. Kakva mašina.
Puca na GOAT titulu vrlo opasno, ima još municije u sebi.
Jako je blizu!
(ehmojeime, 10. jun 2018 20:09)
Mnogo dobar komentar. Mada... Moraću da istaknem jednu činjenicu - Rafa bez dileme može da uđe u konkurenciju najboljih sportista ikada, najbolji u tenisu ikada top 3 već sada sigurno, ali.. On dominira isključivo na jednoj podlozi - šljaci naravno. 17 GS, čak 11 sa RG-a.. On nema najveću titulu posle Slema - Završni Masters. Primjera radi, RF i NĐ su to uzimali po 6. i 5. puta. Dalje, koliko je proveo nedelja na mjestu broj 1? Federer 309 nedelja, Đoković 223, a Rafa započinje sutra 176. nedelju.. Znači, samo njega Novak "šiša" već preko godinu dana ( imajte u vidi da godina ima 52 nedelje ), da ne pričam Rodžer.. Onda - Rafa je rekorder po broju Mastersa, ali.. Njemu čak 3 fale za popunu kolekcije.. Samo Madrid je uzeo 7. puta, Rim 8. puta, a MC 11... Definitivno, trka će biti jako uzbudljiva. Jedino što je validno, da kažem je da se o GOAT-u priča kada ova 3 virtouza završe karijere.. Podvuče se crta na kraju i tačka. P.S. nadam se da će Novak opet krenuti da uzima GS-ove i da će preći preko 15..
Pozdrav! ;)
(MasterMind, 10. jun 2018 20:52)
Gospodin, prije svega. Iako fan Federera, navijao sam da uzme ovo. Gromada u svakom smislu... Mislim da ga je nakon poraza u QF Švarcman najbolje opisao rekavši: " Taj čovjek ima najbolji mentalni sklop svih vremena, on ne zna šta znači riječ frustracija"... 17 Slemova, nastavlja se trka besmrtnih, ajde Nole, trgni se... Da se velika trojka oprosti sa stilom.
(MasterMind, 10. jun 2018 20:35)
Nemoguće je uhvatiti tri seta od Rafa Nadala. Ludi rekord, ali to je objašnjeno
PARIS - Jer je najsnažniji od svih na "crvenom". Nije samo najbolji sportaš. To su tehnika i taktička sagacity da bi se postigla n. Nikada nemojte odabrati izbor. Jedanaest naslova i jedanaest pridjeva
Ubaldo Scanagatta
Rečeno je da su zapisi napravljeni da budu prekinuti. Boh, možda netko tko me sada čita, moći će vidjeti pobijediti Rafa Nadal u Rolandu Garrosu. Sigurno ne. Ipak, sanem da dugo živim, a ja dodir željeza. Nakon 50 setova Thiem je uzeo jedan set prvi i drugi. Nakon još nekoliko setova, najprije Fognini, a zatim Schwartzmann, odveli su još jedan. Ali oni su stali tamo. Ako je teško skinuti set, gotovo je nemoguće uzeti dva, kako mislite da osvojite tri protiv čudovišta? U članku koji sam poslao mojim novinama, nisam znao koji pridjevi koriste za opisivanje novog pothvata Rafa Nadala. Ja sam tražio 11 koji je učinio pjesmice sa Nadal, a ja upustio sa svojom Pidgin španjolski za jedanaesti u finalu, u Rafa Nadal carske, fenomenal, brutalne, posebno, senzacionalan, pakleni, excepcional, descomunal, trijumfalnom. A undecimate je gotovo nestvarno. No, svakako, neizbježno, na ovaj Roland Garrosu u kojem je jedini Schwartzman je mogao oduzeti set i umjesto da se unaprijed za pauze u drugom je zaključak više ... prirodno.
Jedanaest finala bez gubljenja. Ludi. Čak je i "vrtlar" Federera koji je igrao jedanaest u Wimbledonu, nije uspio zadržati svoj nastavni plan i program besprijekoran. Izgubio je tri. Rafa u 11 finale ne samo da je nikada izgubio jedan, već je uvijek uspio izbjeći povlačenje do petog seta. U 6 finala je mu bilo dopušteno izgubiti set, au ostalim 5 čak i to. Takva domena je luda. I nije se moglo zamisliti ni prije desetak godina kada je Rafa došla na ovu pozornicu, niti jučer, niti je moguće razumjeti kada bi moglo završiti. Budući da Rafa više nije dijete, fizičke probleme koje je imao toliko, stop previše, ali kada je u pitanju Roland Garros, osim tog vremena kad je morao otići u mirovinu, osim dvojice koji je izgubio od Soderling u 2009. ili Đokovića u 2015. godini , to je nenadmašno. Čak i jučer protiv nezaustavljivog austrijskog Dominika Thiema koji je također hrabro pokušao do zadnjeg, prvak Manacora, skoro ne 32 godine, pobijedio je u 3 seta. Rezultat silazne i razoružavajuće: 6-4 6-3 6-2. Prošle godine u polufinalu Thiem je izgubio 6-3 6-4 6-0, dvije igre manje.
Popis protivnika tukli Rafa u finalu dobiva duže i duže: 4 puta Federera, Đoković 2 puta, 1 put Puerta, Soderling, Ferrer i prije godinu dana Wawrinka (6-2 6-3 6-1), svi zbog predaje tiraninskom kralju. Thiem, mladi čovjek visokih nada sa svojim 24 i 9 mjeseci, najavio je "Imam plan da tuku Rafa" i kako je posljednjih 3 puta uspio da se uspio razočarati. Ali kad je ušao u polje odmah je izgubio prvih šest točaka, osam prvih devet, i službu. Od tada je to bila samo beznadna potjera. Rekao bih da nesretni Dominik nije vidio Rafa ni u ravnini. Samo jednom je dobio uslugu, ali 5-4 je bio taj koji ga je ponovo davao. U drugom setu opet je počeo loše, 0-3. Misija koja se najavila kao nemoguće uskoro je potvrđena kao takva. Dugo prije trećeg, kada se i Thiem uskoro našao ispod 3-1. Chatrier da je ovaj ponedjeljak se srušena, a danas će se doslovno uništio izgraditi novu tvornicu s krovom (koji se, međutim, ne ćemo vidjeti prije 2020. godine) - i francuski savez je podijeljen svim novinara iz bijelog kacige stranice! Kakva je demonstracija veličine! Možete li zamisliti menadžera koji misli na takvu stvar u Italiji? - s druge strane to je najviše neosvojive tvrđave, sa svojim 7 metara van, Rafa Nadal, koji je također osvojio ovaj naslov 11 do 20 godina iz jedinog Slam osvojio njegov trener Carlos Moya. Nije Rim ili Madrid, gdje je Thiem pretukao Nadal u posljednjih 13 mjeseci. Premlaćivanje Nadala u meču tri seta je očigledno još uvijek moguće, ne samo nego i Thiem Schwartzman Fognini i odveli set, pisati opet da me uvjeri, jer ne izgleda stvarno. Ali, biti u mogućnosti osvojiti tri u utakmici tri od pet je praktički nemoguće.
Jer Rafa je 17. Slam. Oni su 3 manje od 20 od Roger Federera koji bi se vratio na broj 1, ako Rafa je izgubio jučer. No, Švicarci će dobro raditi na sljedećem turniru u Stuttgartu, gdje je prije godinu dana izgubio Haasov debi, da se vrati na prijestolje. „Za mene jurnjava Federera to nije opsesija - rekao je Rafa - Ja sam super sadržaj svoje karijere, za ono što sam učinio. Smatram se vrlo sretnim. Ne volim gledati ako su drugi bolji, ako su osvojili više, ako imate veću kuću ... oni su zadovoljni sa mnom, a ja samo ... imam ambicije da učine bolje i bolje, za napredak i nastaviti igrati sve dok mislite da bi to mogla učiniti ". Najbolji Nadal je nepobjediv na zemlji, jer, čak i ako žive uvijek u svojim fizičkim osobinama i ravnih ljevak, većina odmah očiti način on ima u ruci ogromnu snagu koja mu omogućava da povući vrlo jaka i vrlo dugo izdaleka , čak i ako je njegov dio polja produžen za 5 ili 6 metara. Do prije nekoliko godina Rafa čekao servise udaljen do 3 metra i 24 cm od servisne linije. Sada to iznosi do 4 m i 57 cm. Ali, znajući da neće biti pravi incontrista, može donijeti jaki i uz isti i dati si vremena da se približe zatim na liniji istovremeno povući opoziciju da se počnu okretati sa svojim ravno , Svatko tko stoji pred njim završava radeći brisač vjetrobrana.
No, unatoč analizirajući sve ove izvanredne osobine - možda samo Thiem može povući kao jaka s tako daleko, a zapravo je to drugi ili najviše treći tenisač na svijetu na gline - to bi bilo pogrešno gledaju na taktičku inteligenciju Rafa , Nikada ne čini pogrešan izbor. To je najsnažnija od svih. Na udaljenosti od tri od pet ispitanika je osvojio - bilo gdje na „crveno” - 111 na 113. Mislim da sažeti u spotu za talijanske kuće i engleskom jednom s velikim eve Kuće slavnih Steve Flink.
Pitamo se sada samo kada će kralj iz Manacora abdicirati, više ne dominirati tako da stavlja u gotovo neugodan položaj svoje protivnike, mlade i stare. Rafa XI je "le roi de Paris" (kralj Pariza).
Nick Bollettieri: 'Nadal is not young anymore,can he handle it physically?'
Nick Bollettieri is always very cinical in his interviews. The American coach has been seing tennis for a lifetime, and he knows every detail about the game. Speaking to The Independent, he analyzed how top players head into the second Grand Slam of the year, Roland Garros.
Although he admitted Rafael Nadal is in a very good form, Bollettieri said Rafa couldn't be at his best physically for two weeks in a row now that on June 3 he will turn 31. 'I watched Nadal practise and he he hitting the ball hard,' Bollettieri said. 'I saw him hitting the ball much flatter, which can make it much more difficult for opponents.
I saw him coming forward and going for big forehands. 'The only question mark I would have over Nadal would be how he might cope with playing seven matches over the best of five sets', added the 86-year-old. 'He’s not a young guy any more.
He should certainly be a favourite to win the French, but can he play two five-setters in a row?' About Novak Djokovic, Bollettieri said: "When he I saw him in Rome I told him: ‘Novak, you’ve got it all, man.
You were the best and you still are the best. Don’t change anything. Know you’re a winner – and go out and prove it again. Just go out there and show them. Just play the game.’
Že res da Nadal lovi Federerja že leta in leta vendar ne pozabi da je Federer star že skoraj 37 let in da se njegov čas vendarle izteka oziroma bolje rečeno se bo njegov čas iztekel prej kot Nadalu. Tako bo imel Nadal 2-3 sezone prednosti da zaostanek nadoknadi. Recimo če primerjamo lestvico ko je Federer dopolnil 32 let (toliko kot jih ima Nadal zdaj) lahko razberemo da Federer pravzaprav v kar nekaj kategorijah že zaostaja.
Recimo primerjava Federer vs Nadal oba pri 32 letih:
Grand Slami: 17:17
World Tour final : 6:0 (Tu Nadal nima možnosti)
Mastersi: 21:31 (Prednost se je sicer nekoliko zmanjšala in sicer na 5 Mastersev vendar ponovno Nadal je 5 let mlajši in bo lahko ta rekord še izboljšal.
Total titles: 77:79 (Federer je pri 32 osvojil 2 naslova manj kot Nadal)
Year End Number 1: 4:5 (Nadal bo imel lepo priložnost da letos zaključi na prvem mestu in tudi ta rekord vsaj izenači)
Weeks at Number 1: 302:175 (Tu ima Federer ogromno prednost in ga Nadal ne bo prehitel
Kot zanimivost: Federer je v naslednjih 3 letih (se pravi 32,33,34) ostal brez GS-ja in osvojil zgolj 11 lovorik (88 skupaj). Se pravi bo imel Nadal v naslednjih 3-4 letih ogromno priložnost da nadoknadi oziroma da zakrpa luknjo pred Federerjem pa čeprav ga je že zdaj kar lepo ujel. Bomo videli kdaj bo Nadal osvojil svoj naslednji GS. Federer je 18 šele pri 35 letih in 3 mesecih.
It has rarely been a love affair. The French like their underdogs, and Nadal has too often drained the suspense out of their tournament. Both he and his uncle Toni Nadal resented the way the crowd cheered against him in the fourth round in 2009 as he lost to Robin Soderling, the Swedish outsider who is one of only two men to have beaten Nadal at Roland Garros.
There also have been insinuations and suspicions, reflected in the comment in 2016 by Roselyne Bachelot, a former French minister for health and sport, on French television that Nadal’s seven-month injury layoff in 2012 was “probably due to a positive doping test.”
Nadal was outraged and filed — and won — a defamation suit against Bachelot last year.
But the Franco-Nadal relationship seems to have arrived at a new and more convivial place. If he seemed the slightest bit blasé, it might be a different matter. Yet there he still was on a Sunday in the Paris spring, chasing every ball, groaning with nearly every stroke and whipping winners when he needed them most against a rival eight years his junior.
They can demolish the stadium, but his records here will likely stand until they demolish the next one.
PARIS - Siri, what animals are considered to have no natural enemies, no known predators?
Tigers, saltwater crocodiles, whale sharks and electric eels may be the disgorged answer. But we know better. There is also a fifth species: Rafael Nadal on a court surfaced with clay.
When Nadal is set loose in his natural habitat, the rest of the tennis fauna is rendered prey. And there is no one above him on the food chain. For the duration of his pro tennis career—now, remarkably, 15 years—Nadal has won more than 90 percent of his matches played with granules of dirt underfoot.
And at the French Open, Nadal is particularly devastating. After rolling through seven rounds of play this year and taking out Austria’s Dominic Thiem 6-4, 6-3, 6-2 in Sunday’s final, Nadal is now 86-2 at Roland Garros, winning a record 11 titles—winning more than any other male player in history has won any other Slam. (For perspective, inevitably: Roger Federer is 91-11 with eight titles on his preferred milieu, the grass of Wimbledon.) “Rafa is too much on clay,” says Thiem. “It's kind of like a joke.”
The reason for Nadal’s comical success on the surface? Some redounds to tennis X’s and O’s. No player in the sport’s history possesses his combination of offense and defense, a marriage of merciless power with relentless retrieving. Watching Nadal on clay brings to mind the line about Willie Mays at the plate, “The only player who could possibly catch that ball, just hit that ball.”
Add Nadal’s virtue of playing left-handed and it borders on unfair. His spin-drizzled cross-court forehands (the most natural shot in tennis) bounce high to a righty’s backhand (perhaps the difficult shot in tennis.) When righties like Thiem try and hit backhands off Nadal’s parabolas, it recalls men trying to use shovels to swat flies.
But also, constitutionally, this is the perfect surface for Nadal. Clay makes demands of players, both physical and spiritual, no other surface does. There is a required persistence—within rallies; within matches; within the two-week event—that plays perfectly to the core strengths of Nadal, a player who is happy to withstand discomfort. Clay court tennis is quite simply (and quite literally) trench warfare. Nadal is happy to engage.
For all the athletes who possess irrational confidence—I could be LeBron if I were in the right situation—Nadal, even at age 32, suffers the opposite affliction: an irrational deficit of confidence. Despite winning the title 10 times since 2015, he refused to declare himself the pre-tournament favorite. To Nadal, every opponent brings danger, every round could be his last.
If it sounds like so much false modesty or sandbagging, it’s not. He has thoroughly convinced himself that he is not yet where he wants to be. And Nadal has convinced himself that doubt brings motivation, not paralysis. After Nadal won his quarterfinal match over Diego Schwartzman—the lone player to whom he lost a set this tournament—he was asked about the role of uncertainty. “If you don't feel the pressure, it’s because you don't love the sport. And if you don't love the sport it’s better to go back home and do another thing...Pressure is good. You are able to control that. That pressure, that adrenaline, can be in a positive way.” But why does he allow himself to feel the pressure? Nadal had a simple response. “I am a human person.”
On Sunday, Nadal started the match slowly—as he often did this tournament—facing break points and projecting frustration. And then he found a level that…well...you are forgiven for questioning whether he is a human person. Nadal found the range on his serve and forehand. He preyed, predictably on Thiem’s one-hander. Most of all, he repelled attack and negated everything the opponents had to offer.
It may be a myth in other sports. But for tennis played on clay, defense does win championships. Eleven of them, in fact. And counting.
Meanwhile, Nadal can celebrate another golden fortnight on the red clay of Roland Garros. His achievement of winning the world’s premier clay-court tournament so many times must be regarded among the most towering feats in the history of all sports. Maybe, just maybe, it is the greatest accomplishment of all.
SK Mind
I think 11 slams on a single surface is unparalled dominance. Grand Slams are great (as are Djokovic slams), but they are a single season dominance. One year, where if you are in top form, you can win it all.
To do so 11 years spread over two decades is surely a greater peak.
So, no hesitation in calling it one of the greatest displays of sustained dominance. It definitely is not the greatest accomplishment in tennis, given that his own 17 slams are a greater accomplishment
To do so 11 years spread over two decades is surely a greater peak.
So, no hesitation in calling it one of the greatest displays of sustained dominance. It definitely is not the greatest accomplishment in tennis, given that his own 17 slams are a greater accomplishment
Rafael Nadal: Toni Nadal reveals secret reason world No 1 keeps winning French Open
RAFAEL NADAL keeps winning the French Open because he does not want to let his supporters down, says Toni Nadal.
Nadal won his 11th Roland Garros title over the weekend by beating Dominic Thiem in straight sets in the final.
The world No 1 was in decent form throughout the entire competition as he only dropped one set against Diego Schwartzman in the quarter-finals.
Nadal is likely to lose his top ranking this week as Roger Federer competes at the Stuttgart Open.
But his uncle Toni has explained that it is the expectation of his loyal following which motivates him to continue to break stunning records in Paris.
"I couldn't have imagined Rafa accomplishing what he's managed to do throughout his career, especially here at Roland Garros," Toni told ATPWorldTour.com.
"It's beyond incredible to me; he puts on one brutal display after another.
“I’ve seen him do this over and over again but it's still so special to me when he wins because I know he's competing with a lot of pressure and high expectations.
“He doesn't want to let his supporters down."
Toni Nadal also added that he was tipped off many years ago about his nephew's full potential on clay.
"I remember when he won the first time at Roland Garros, someone said to me 'Rafa's going to win a lot more of these trophies’, he added.
“It seemed outrageous to think he'd win 10 more after that but I can see how he's managed to do that.
“He works as hard as possible; he's always trying to lift his game to new heights."
RAFAEL NADAL won his 11th French Open title at Roland Garros - and Mark Petchey thinks Carlos Moya is to thank.
Nadal linked up with Moya in December 2016 - just two months prior to splitting with his uncle, Toni Nadal.
The pair have now combined to win three Grand Slams and Petchey thinks Moya has to take the credit.
“Getting Carlos Moya involved has been significant and the little change to his racket - just having somebody involved with a different voice, with the resume that he's had, has made a massive difference,” Petchey, who used to coach Andy Murray, told Sky Sports.
“Moya has contributed to his dominance. He has helped Rafa's serve in that he is going for more on his first serve and getting a lot more free points.
“There are also far more unreturned serves than there ever were in the past, even on clay, so from that point of view he is serving better and shortening the points.
“At this stage of his career the shorter the points he can make and win - which he was best at Roland Garros last year between nought and five shots - is clearly going to extend his career and make him an even tougher player to beat.
“Carlos has also been far more willing to tell Rafa he needs to hit his backhand as his first shot off his first serve and to go for it more, so he's far more central on the court now and he's hurting you with his backhand and his forehand - there's no safe zone.
“Andy Murray and Novak Djokovic were able to counter the cross-court forehand with their double-handers when Rafa was looking to run around it.
“Carlos has made a huge change to his mindset with his backhand and, I would say, underlining to Rafa just how good that shot is anyway.
“He's flattened it out over the years and made it far more penetrative when you look at the numbers. It's not a rallying shot, it's a finishing shot.”
Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal comparison made by former Wimbledon champion
ROGER FEDERER and Rafael Nadal are the only two players who have the ability to improve through periods of sustained success.
That is the opinion of former Wimbledon champion Mario Bartoli.
Nadal’s French Open final victory on Sunday puts him just three behind old rival Federer’s tally of 20 career Grand Slams.
The duo are both in their 30s, with Federer turning 37 in less than two months and Nadal 32.
But between them they have won the last six Grand Slams available, a run stretching back to the 2017 Australian Open.
Bartoli praised the way Rafael Nadal has been able to change since his first French Open win 13 years ago.
And she says Swiss legend Federer is the only other player to have been able to show the same improvement.
“He has been able to reinvent himself year after year,” Bartoli said on ITV.
“He’s not playing the same tennis at all that when he won for the first time back here in 2005.
“He’s been able to keep improving, even though we’ve called him the King of Clay for probably five or six years.
“But he has this ability to look for improvement constantly that I think only him and probably Roger Federer have.
“That kind of mentality having won so much already but still have the mentality to improve and to look for improvement and to hire people that can make them improve.
“That for me shows why they’re winning so much and why they’re the champions they are.”
Rafael Nadal did something in French Open final I’ve never seen before - Marion Bartoli
RAFAEL NADAL’s intensity and focus was stronger than ever in Sunday’s French Open final victory over Dominic Thiem.
That is the opinion of former Wimbledon champion and ITV tennis pundit Marion Bartoli.
Nadal won his 11th French Open title, beating Thiem in straight sets at Roland Garros.
The Spaniard shrugged off an arm injury he picked up in the third set to overcome Austrian Thiem in his first Grand Slam final.
Bartoli says the injury was clearly an issue for Nadal late on.
But she believes Rafael Nadal's determination was what took him to yet another victory in Paris.
“I was court side for two sets,” Bartoli told ITV.
“I was extremely fortunate to have one of the best seats in the house.
“The intensity and the look he had in his eyes was something I’ve almost never seen from him.
“He was so focused, so determined. He knew he had to play his best game.
“You could feel the problem he had with his arm was bothering him a little bit.
“But the intensity he put on throughout this match was just extraordinary.”
No End in Sight to Rafael Nadal's Unrivaled Dominance After 11th French Open Win
You run out of ways to say "wow," but Rafael Nadal keeps finding ways to make this fresh and make his energy and electricity felt by anyone playing him, much less watching him, on the red clay courts at Roland Garros.
Nadal won his 11th French Open on Sunday, beating Dominic Thiem 6-4, 6-3, 6-2. Eleven French Opens. Wow. Or maybe wow, wow, wow, 11 times over. Tennis careers rarely last 11 years, and no one wins the same major title 11 times. No one ever has until now. And next year, we'll be pointing out that no one had won 12. And the year after that? How many years will we keep pointing out the same thing?
Have you been paying attention? Nadal on clay might be the most amazing thing we've ever seen in sports. Not just tennis, where that isn't even up for debate. In any sport.
Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps might have something to say about that. That's fair. But their Olympics came once every four years. Nadal has had to do this year after year after year. He has lost or withdrawn while playing through injury. And once he lost fair and square to Novak Djokovic in the 2015 event.
In total, he's had three bad days in 13 years since his first French Open title in 2005, and one was a fluke.
Nadal is so dominant that the world's second-best player on clay, and the guy most people think is the best player in the history of the sport, doesn't even bother to show up at the French Open anymore. Roger Federer skips the French because the entire clay season is too much of a grind, especially if it's not going to end up with another major championship.
Federer has 20 majors and Nadal has 17, and apparently that great rivalry will only play out further on Federer's terms. But this isn't about the argument of who's the greatest tennis player ever. This is to celebrate Nadal in history.
Secretariat dominated horse racing like no other, but that 1973 Triple Crown season lasted only several weeks. In the old days, UCLA basketball could not be beaten, but the players were changing, and on a team sport there is room for error. Michael Jordan?
You can't resolve this here, but at the very least, Nadal on clay is right there with the best.
"He is human," John McEnroe said on NBC just before the match. "As you get older, you start to question—even him—when it's going to end."
True. But this well might have been the strongest French Open final the 32-year-old Nadal has ever played. Thiem is the up-and-coming kid who is ready to win majors, especially the French Open, if Nadal would ever get out of the way. Thiem, 24, had beaten Nadal on clay earlier this spring, but in the big moment, he tried to muscle Nadal, and it was hopeless. He tried to attack Nadal's backhand, and that, too, was hopeless.
The whole match was hopeless, and every time you looked up, Thiem had his hand on his hip or his eyes fixed on the line, wondering how Nadal did what he just did.
Nadal has comfort on clay. But he has not been doing the same thing over and over again for all these years.
Over 11 years, his hair—and his shorts—have gotten shorter, his backhand flatter and heavier, his serve bigger, his style more aggressive. And somehow it all keeps building.
In the old days, in the U.S. anyway, clay-court tennis was seen as sort of a gimmick. There was a clay style of having patience, patience, patience. Nadal used to play that way a lot more than he does now. He had incredible speed and footwork and somehow got more spin on the ball than anyone ever had.
Throughout his career, he has thrown so much into every motion that it always seemed like he was going to get hurt and have a short run. His body seemed broken down in so many instances.
This would have been the natural time in sports to hand things over to the next generation. Nadal wasn't ready. A few years ago, when he lost to Djokovic, it seemed he had turned things over.
But he wasn't ready. A few years before that, he dealt with a knee injury when he lost to Robin Soderling at the French Open in 2009 and couldn't even defend his Wimbledon title. It already looked like his career was in jeopardy.
But Nadal wasn't ready.
Still, you might want to watch him next year at the French. He'll turn 33 years old then, and that might well turn out to be his last shot. It ended for Bolt, for Phelps, for Jordan.
It has to end some day for Nadal, too.
Doesn't it?
VIDEO - Play Of The Day: We'll never see 'superhuman' Rafael Nadal dominance ever again
Marat Safin believes that Rafael Nadal can be as great as Roger Federer when he ends his career. Asked by AS to choose between Nadal and Federer, the former Russian player said: 'Nadal, because he is five years younger.
I think he can reach Federer's results, especially with today's level. Before it was impossible to play at 37 years, you weren't winning a match. I had to stop due to a knee, I could not run and compete with younger players.' He also spoke about the new players that he likes the most: 'Alexander Zverev is very strong, (Dominic) Thiem too, but it's the German to stand out.
(Nick) Kyrgios as well. If he fixes his head, he can be an unbelievable player.' The former world No. 1 instead criticized his compatriots Andrey Rublev and Karen Khachanov? 'They are 21 or 22 and didn't win anything.
In our generation, if at 18 you had not won an ATP title you were nobody. Now you win it at 23 and you are a star.
Dominic Thiem's coach Gunter Bresnik previewed the upcoming French Open final between the Austrian player and Rafael Nadal. Bresnik largely praised the Spaniard but didn't want to analyze the match too deeply.
'Now it would be stupid to make any prediction for the final, it doesn't matter who you face,' Bresnik said. 'Nadal in the final at Paris is almost an impossible opponent: beating him in the final is one of the most difficult things today in tennis.
It’s so, so difficult to compete with the guy because he is the best competitor in a sport in my opinion of all time. It doesn’t matter what sport.' Bresnik also recognized that Dominic is 'physically at the top, close to his best.
Even in the fourth or fifth set, he could win.'
Enormous compliment paid to Nadal by Thiem's coach, Gunter Bresnik: 'It’s so, so difficult to compete with the guy because he is the best competitor in sport in my opinion of all time.
Former Spanish tennis player Alex Corretja believes that his fellow compatriot Rafael Nadal simply outsmarted rising star Dominic Thiem in the French Open final. 32-year-old Nadal handed a 6-4 6-3 6-2 loss to the Austrian to clinch his 11th French Open title.
The Austrian was bidding to become the first player ever to beat Nadal in a French Open final. A couple of bad games at the end of the first set and the beginning of the second cost Thiem the title. Nadal broke the Austrian to love in the 10th game of the first set to clinch the opener and kicked off the second set with a 3-0 lead.
24-year-old Thiem was perfoming on a high level until the disappointing 10th game of the first set. The Austrian never recovered from that as the Spaniard used all of his experience to close out the match routinely. Thiem was threatening at times to bounce back and make the final interesting but Nadal came up big when needed most to avoid any drama.
Thiem was playing his first Grand Slam final. "I thought Thiem played very well, but Rafa is just too clever," Corretja said
PARIS: If Benjamin Franklin were alive today, he'd have to expand his belief that death and taxes are life's only certainties and add a third -- Rafael Nadal winning the French Open.
The Spaniard chases an 11th title at Roland Garros on Sunday and 17th major of his career.
He has 85 match wins on Paris' famous crushed red brick against just two defeats in 13 years.
Juan Martin del Potro, the latest pretender to be run ragged by the world number one on Court Philippe Chatrier in this year's semi-finals, insists it's almost impossible to beat Nadal on clay.
However, you will never hear Nadal echo similar brash confidence.
Just as happy fishing or playing golf in Mallorca, Nadal is ruthless on the tennis court but disarmingly humble off it.
"I have doubts every day but that's good as it makes me work hard with more intensity," said Nadal last year when he captured his 10th French Open, a year after his latest battle with a wrist injury forced him to withdraw from the tournament after two rounds.
That shock exit prompted speculation that Nadal was finished as a heavyweight of the sport.
"You have to be humble and accept that you have to work to improve things.
"Life is never clear. If you have no doubts, then you are very arrogant. I am not an arrogant person."
It is that forthright modesty which endears Nadal to his legion of fans as is his respect for opponents, never forgetting to applaud every vanquished foe off court.
His idiosyncrasies are just as charming to his supporters.
His picking at the rear of his shorts and mopping of his brow aligned with his obsessive devotion to lining up his water bottles are parts of the Nadal DNA.
Victory on Sunday will move Nadal to just three Slams behind his great rival Roger Federer who, at 36, is more than four years older.
It will also reignite the debate over who is actually the greatest player of all time.
Nadal's Grand Slam CV will boast 11 French Opens, three US Open titles, two at Wimbledon and one at the Australian Open.
He will also join Federer and Novak Djokovic in passing the $100 million prize money barrier.
Tennis has been good for Nadal but he has been just as influential as a key driver of the sport's growth.
He won an under-12 regional crown at age eight and by 12 had captured Spanish and European age-group junior titles.
By 15, he had turned professional and, two years later, won his first match against Federer.
At 19, he won the 2005 French Open on his debut.
It was early in his career when Nadal began his habit of biting the championship trophies he wins.
Nadal added Wimbledon crowns in 2008 and 2010, an Australian Open title in 2009 and completed the career Grand Slam in 2010 by defeating Djokovic in the US Open final, becoming the youngest in the Open era (since 1967) to complete the four-event career sweep.
And only Nadal and Andre Agassi can say they have a career Grand Slam and an Olympic men's singles gold medal, Nadal having claimed his in 2008 at Beijing.
To put in context just how preposterous a stat 11 titles at one Grand Slam is, Roger Federer and Pete Sampras are the next closest with eight and seven victories respectively, at Wimbledon. Those two players have the most (Federer, 20) and third most (Sampras, 14) Grand Slams titles in the history of men’s tennis. Nadal has now upped his total to 17 with his latest trophy.
Not only did Nadal’s win pull him another title closer to Federer’s all-time Slam record, but it also tied him for the most finals appearances (11) at one major, with all of Federer’s coming at Wimbledon.
The mind-boggling stats only get wilder from there.
This year, Nadal dropped just one set in the entire tournament. That’s the sixth time in the fourteen French Opens he’s played that he’s lost one or fewer sets. He also lost just one in 2007 and 2012. On three occasions Nadal won Roland Garros without losing a set (2008, 2010, 2017), becoming the third man in the Open Era after Ilie Năstase and Björn Borg to do so.
In all fourteen French Open appearances combined, Nadal has lost just 25 sets. In case you can’t do that math in your head that’s less than two sets per tournament — and that includes the three times he didn’t win the title.
Another dominant statistic that might go unnoticed is that the King of Clay has only gone to five sets twice before, and he won both times. The first came in 2011 against John Isner in the first round and the second against Novak Djokovic in the 2013 semifinals.
Speaking of semifinals, Nadal is perfect when he has reached that round with an 11-0 record — and of course, an 11-0 record in finals appearances as well.
His career record at Roland Garros might be the most staggering number of all. Since his first French Open appearance in 2005, Nadal has gone 86-2 with one withdrawal. That’s two losses in 14 years.
That record gives him a winning percentage of 97.7 in Paris. The next closest mark for any men’s player at a single tournament is Björn Borg who went 51-4 at Wimbledon with a 92.7 win percentage.
Nadal’s absurd level of success at Roland Garros is a microcosm of his sheer dominance on clay in general. The Spaniard is a routine winner at the other clay tournaments on the ATP World Tour. He has a record 11 wins at both the Monte-Carlo Masters and Barcelona Open, eight at the Rome Masters (Italian Open) and five more at the Madrid Open.
In his entire career on clay, Nadal has a 415-36 record, giving him a winning percentage of 92.0 — the best of any player on any surface in men’s tennis history.
Nadal’s reign on the red clay of the French Open is a well-documented one — he’s referred to as the King of Clay, after all — but breaking down the numbers makes it all the more impressive and it stacks up even higher when compared to other tennis greats.
After it looked like injury struggles might end the Spaniard’s run as a top player in the sport, it’s a welcome sight to see one of the game’s best return with two straight French Open titles and sitting atop the ATP rankings.
The wildest part of it all is that, even at 32, it doesn’t look like Nadal will be slowing down at Roland Garros anytime soon.
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