Rafael Nadal Parera - najveći svih vremena?

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
11. lipnja 2018. u 22:00

Rafael Nadal - Road to Champion RG18 - La Undecima [HD]




The Legendary Speed Of Rafael Nadal




Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
12. lipnja 2018. u 20:12

Rafael Nadal winning 11 French Open titles ‘almost unthinkable’, says Roger Federer


Roger Federer has paid tribute to rival Rafael Nadal, saying it is ‘almost unthinkable’ to win 11 majors at the same venue.

Nadal, 32, won his 11th French Open title in the space of 14 years over the weekend as he beat Dominic Thiem in straight sets.

Federer once again missed the tournament, opting instead to focus on his preparations for the grass-court season and in particular his Wimbledon defence.


Nadal’s victory at Roland Garros saw him extend his lead at the top of the ATP rankings by 100 points.

But Federer will reclaim the top spot this week – and set a new record for the oldest player to be at No.1 – if he secures three victories in this week’s Stuttgart Open.

‘This is an extra motivation [becoming the world No 1],’ said Federer, who then congratulated Nadal on his dominance in Paris.


We can only bow to each other and congratulate each other. Incredible.

‘Absolutely only the superlatives remain there. To win a tournament at all 11 times is almost unthinkable.’

On his chances this week in Germany, Federer added: ‘The holidays were wonderful. I had no setbacks, so I’m fit.’



Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
12. lipnja 2018. u 20:18

Homenajes y humor: Los memes del undécimo Roland Garros




Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
12. lipnja 2018. u 21:17

McEnroe: Nadal Was Saved by the God of Roland Garros | The Commissioner of Tennis | French Open 2018

"Govori da je lopov provalio u svlačionicu i ukrao opremu više tenisača. Maznuli su majicu za 12-godišnjake, a pripadala je Schwartzmanu. McEnroe kaže da nije znao da Diego ima sina. Nadalu nisu ništa ukrali, ali  su mu priredili štetu jer su za 2 mm pomaknuli hrpu njegove robe. Đokoviću su ukrali medvjedića koji, kada pritisnete gumbić, kaže: "Zagrli me, zagrli me!" Objavljen je i fotorobot pljačkaša koji je pljunuti Roger. Mcenroe: "Nemoguće, Roger je prevelika kukavica da bi se pojavio u Parizu!"




Rafael Nadal - BestPoints @ RG18 | 11th Roland Garros |


Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
12. lipnja 2018. u 21:40



Roland Garros, zato je Nadal (još uvijek) najjači

U dobi od 32 godine, jedanaesti Roland Garros stavljen je na oglasnu ploču: zahvaljujući svojoj samokontroli, uskoj donjem rublju i bivšem treneru koji je "zapovijedao kišom"

Ne poljubac za šalicu, nego zagriz. Rafa Nadal je gladan za pobjede i, unatoč tome što je upravo navršio 32 godine, nastavlja ugristi trofeje dok želi svoj karakterističan ushit. Prvi put 2005. godine - samo devetnaest - kada je osvojio svoj prvi Grand Slam u Parizu; jučer, posljednja fotografija senzacionalne karijere: mladi Thiem troši u tri seta i osvaja Roland Garros jedanaesti put. Živci stanja, praznovjerja i ujak „čarobnjak” To su sastojci vječni prvak, nedavno se vratio iz broj jedan rang, iza momak izgled i dalje pisati povijest modernog tenisa.


Rafa Nadal, broj jedan tenisa (u dobi od 32 godine)

10 razloga  za koje je Nadal još uvijek nepobjediv:

1) Ujak "čarobnjak" - Rafa je mislio da je Toni, njegov trener do prošle godine, bio čarobnjak. Kao dijete, zapravo, učinio ga je "nevidljivim" sa suučesništvom obitelji i pretvarao se da "zapovijeda kiši" u slučajevima hitnosti. Sve dok igra koja Nadal nije uspjela pobijediti, počeo se razrijediti ...

2) Obraćajući se strahovima - Rafa nikada nije bio lavovski srce, toliko da je kao dijete nije mogao spavati s svjetlima van. "Čak i kad je živio s drugom Lopezom, nazvao me je da je svjetlost otišla i bila prestrašena", otkrila mu je majka. Uz pobjede, čak i strah od mraka nestao je (ili gotovo).

3) Rekordni udarac - Ne postoji samo područje za posvećenje Rafa, već i biomehaniku. Znanstvene studije su otkrili da uspije dati lopte spin da nijedan igrač u povijesti nikada nije bila u stanju: 4900 okretaja u minuti, kada je prosjek 2700. Topspin bez presedana: robot!

4) Liječnici i čudne dijeta - Tajna Nadal dobio fizički oporavak ima ime, Agnel Ruiz Cotorro, medicinsko osoblje ga nakon 15 godina, a autor je tretman s matičnim stanicama. Primijenjene tretmane također o kolegi Tipsareviću (Tipsarevića je Google prevao kao Savarevića), koji su međutim rekli neku drugu priču: "Rafa? Danas je pojeo konzervu Nutelle. "

5) manija - bit će da je dijete često gledao sa stricem film Nešto se promijenilo, ali Rafa je postao opsesivno na neke detalje: uvijek stavlja boce vode u istom položaju u igri i nikada korake na silnica, čak i (očito) čak ni njihovo zamišljeno produljenje.

6) Između tika i praznovjerja - Ubacite stopalo na red, a zatim reketa na potplat, a zatim namjestite kosu i dotaknite nos. Konačno, majicu i čak i hlače, ispred i natrag. "Nadal  dodiruje guzicu pola minute i ništa ne kažete", ruski Tursunov se žalio sucu.

7) Prostorna tišina - Zainteresirana za Xisca Perello, sramežljiva Rafa nije onaj koji voli da mu se ime završi na naslovnicama časopisa za tračeve. Preferira slučajeve koji završavaju u prostoru: na zahtjev Observatorij Mallorca, od 2008. Asteroid 128036 koji kruži između Marsa i Jupitera zove se Rafael Nadal.

8) Majčin savjet - "Kad sam zatražio da sudjelujem u Rolandu Garrosu i Wimbledonu, rekla sam ne, prvo je morao završiti studij." Upornost majke Ana Marije bila je temeljna za rast Rafa. I dalje je: "Kad sam kod kuće, uvijek ga šaljem kupnjom i odbaci smeće".

9) Psihoanaliza sjednice - Njegove utakmice (kao i svi izazovi tenisa) su psihološke bitke koje Rafa uspije pobijediti zahvaljujući nevjerojatnoj samokontrolu. Uzvik «vamos», ne otkriva ništa poput poker igrača. I poteškoće (vidi grč u jučerašnjem rukama) uvijek pokušava riješiti.

10) Glad za pobjeda - A 11. travnja 2005. i Rafa u Monte Carlu osvojili su četvrti pro turnir: odlučuje ne poljubiti trofej kao i svi, ali mu dati zagristi. Nijedna gesta nije bila prikladnija: u ukupnom broju ima 79 Atp naslova koje je osvojio lijevom rukom Manacor, među kojima se ističu 17 Slam i Olimpijsko zlato na Pekingu u Pekingu 2008. godine.

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
12. lipnja 2018. u 21:54


French Open 2018: Why does 'King of Clay' Rafael Nadal reign supreme?


The beauty about sport is we never know what might happen when we arrive at a stadium or turn on our television.

But one thing comes as close to sporting certainty as anything else we have seen over the past 13 years: Rafael Nadal winning the French Open.

"Some say beating Rafa over five sets on clay is the toughest thing in sport - not just tennis," says seven-time Grand Slam singles champion John McEnroe. "I would agree with that."

Since making his debut as a talented teenager in 2005, Nadal has won a record 11 singles titles at Roland Garros - no-one in the men's game has managed to win as many at the same Grand Slam.

And the 32-year-old Spaniard lifted the Coupe des Mousquetaires yet again on Sunday, beating Austrian seventh seed Dominic Thiem 6-4 6-3 6-2.

What makes the man nicknamed the 'King of Clay' almost unstoppable on the red dirt?

We've asked former Grand Slam champions McEnroe, Michael Chang and Pat Cash, along with analysts and journalists, to tell us.


Nadal won 37 sets in a row at Roland Garros, surpassing his own previous best streak of 32, before Argentine 11th seed Diego Schwartzman stopped him moving closer to Bjorn Borg's all-time record of 41 by winning the opener in their quarter-final.

Borg won six French Open titles between 1974 and 1981, setting a record that stood until it was surpassed by Nadal in 2012.

"I was around the era where I thought I was watching the greatest - I was at the time - Borg. Nadal eclipses him," said McEnroe, a Roland Garros finalist in 1984.

Nadal's main weapon is that vicious, lasso-style forehand which has become his trademark.

Nobody has hit a higher percentage of forehand winners than the Spaniard over the past fortnight, with 12% of his points coming through this shot.

That, added to his sharp movement and supreme athleticism, is what makes Nadal great, according to Chang.

"He has the uncanny ability of being able to hit a lot of forehands and move very well on clay," the American, who won Roland Garros as a 17-year-old in 1989, told BBC Sport.

"He knows how to manipulate the angles to build to get people out of position.

"He is very aggressive, although patient when he needs to be, but for the most part if the shot is there he is taking it and going for it.

"He's the one manipulating, making you move and putting you in awkward positions to the point where he has easy cutaways."


Being a leftie

Nadal is a left-handed player which, in conjunction with his other attributes, is a key part to his success, according to Chang.

"If Rafa was a right-handed player I don't think his game would be quite as effective," said the former world number two.

"Being a leftie means that everything spins the other way.

"The strong forehands always come into a right-handed player's backhand, hooking him off the court, and the inside-out coming back the other way, it is tough to cover."

In tennis, the second serve is the ultimate safety net, allowing players to go all out on their first serve, knowing they have a back-up if they miss.

Second serves are slower and weaker than first serves, and in men's tennis, these points are where the real contest is waged, says tennis journalist Amy Lundy.

Lundy has produced an in-depth analysis of Nadal's second service game over the past year and believes a significant improvement in this area is the key to his continued dominance on the red dirt.

"Nadal is taking this backstop and using it to crush his opponents," she told BBC Sport.

"For most professional tennis players, anything above winning 50% of their second serve points is considered good.

"On clay, Nadal has driven up that percentage to over 66% won on second serve in the past year, heading into the 2018 French Open."

Growing up on clay courts

Clay is the natural surface for Spanish players, with about 100,000 red-dirt courts across the country - even most small villages have them.

So it is not surprising that Nadal is the latest in a long line of Spanish success - albeit far more sustained than his predecessors - at Roland Garros.

Nadal's 11 wins, plus triumphs for Sergi Bruguera (two), Carlos Moya, Albert Costa and Juan Carlos Ferrero, means the nation has accounted for 16 of the past 25 male champions.

"Roland Garros has always been the most special tournament for us," said Joan Solsona, a Spanish tennis journalist who has worked for daily sports newspaper Marca since 1998.

"So it affects the way you prepare as a tennis player - you want to be good on clay. Playing and learning on clay is natural for Spanish people."

Majorca-born Nadal first stepped on to clay aged four, starting to practise at his local tennis club in Manacor with his uncle Toni - the man who developed and coached him until retiring last year.

"Nadal was from a small town of 40,000 people and his local club had six or seven clay courts," added Solsona.

"We are lucky because Spain is a sunny country and this has a big effect. The clay courts stay in good condition in the good weather and means you can practise on them all year round because of the weather.

"We're also advised that playing on clay is the best surface for children to learn on because it is easier to move on and means they don't get injured as much.

"So Rafa started moving on clay from a young age and it shows."

'Perfect' conditions

The clay surface slows the ball down more than grass, enabling Nadal to use his athleticism to construct his points and tee up that famed forehand.

In turn, it helps him hit the ball harder and more accurately, while the hotter summer temperatures in mainland Europe - where the majority of the clay-court season takes place - help Nadal generate more bounce.

It is notable that Nadal's successes in Monte Carlo and Rome, two of the Tour's three clay-court Masters tournaments, outnumber those in Madrid - the third - as the high altitude of the Spanish capital means the ball moves quicker.

"The conditions at Roland Garros suit him perfectly," said Thiem, who has lost all three of his meetings with Nadal in Paris. "It's similar to Monte Carlo, where he also plays amazing.

"Also the court at Roland Garros is very big. We can return very far behind the baseline. That's an advantage to him. And I think the balls, we like them."

Nadal's least impressive performance came in the opening set of his quarter-final against Schwartzman, on a colder and damp day before he fought back in warmer conditions, although the 17-time Grand Slam champion said afterwards it did not make a difference.

"Some people say it has to be a cold day where he can't get the ball through the court," Cash, who reached the fourth round at the 1988 French Open, told BBC Radio 5 live.

"But if Rafa can't get the ball fast through the court then who can?

"The hot conditions suit Rafa. He's bouncing those balls in above your shoulders - they are a foot or two higher than any other player on the circuit." (BBC)


How do you beat him?

Nadal has only lost twice at Roland Garros - he pulled out before his last-32 match against fellow Spaniard Marcel Granollers in 2016 with a wrist injury.

Long-time rival Novak Djokovic was the last person to actually beat him on court, winning in straight sets in their 2015 quarter-final.

Djokovic went into the match as the favourite, being the world number one and on a 26-match winning streak.

Nadal's first defeat at Roland Garros, however, was a seismic shock.

A last-16 victory in 2009 earned Robin Soderling, an unheralded Swede who had never previously checked into the second week of a Grand Slam, a place in the sport's history books.

"On that day everything worked for me," Soderling told BBC World Service.

"You have to be extremely aggressive. There is no other way of beating him on clay.

"You have to play a little bit flatter than you usually do, play close to the baseline and take your chances.

"You need to play with smaller margins and take some risks because no-one will beat him staying two metres from the baseline and beating him on his own terms. You have to take the initiative."





Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
12. lipnja 2018. u 22:07














I remember when Brad Gilbert said on ESPN after Rafa won his first @rolandgarros title that he would win 10!!

I looked at him like he was crazy (he is). And now it has been proven Brad. You are wrong.

Rafa better than ever. Simply incroyable.




Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
13. lipnja 2018. u 13:11

El hombre cuando se embarca

Ha de rezar una vez,

cuando va a la guerra, dos,

quando se casa tres,

y cuando juega con Rafa en París,

ha de rezar cuatro veces.




Čovjek se pri ukrcaju

mora pomoliti jedanput,

kada ide u rat - dva puta,

kada se ženi - tri puta,

a kada igra protiv Rafe u Rarizu,

mora se pomoliti četiri puta.


Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
14. lipnja 2018. u 20:03

Rafael Nadal ? La Undecima ? Roland Garros 2018 Tribute | 4K





The first 4k tennis tribute, OMG mate phenomenal video!!! <3

Rafael Nadal(2018) ~God Of Clay~ (Inspirational 11th Tribute)




Somebody needs to make a clay sculpture of him


[uredio Dar - 14. lipnja 2018. u 20:14]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
15. lipnja 2018. u 22:28



Povijest se ponovila jedanaesti put. Vrijede li više 13 Realovih naslova europskoga prvaka, 23 Phelpsove olimpijske medalje, 82 pobjede Lindsey Vonn? Bilo kako bilo, jedanaest Nadalovih naslova teško je i zamisliti. Rafa je u  Parizu radio što je htio, čak uzimao više od 25 sekundi uoči servisa (dobio samo jedan, nenametljivi, "warning"). Ali što reći takvomu šampionu koji je u Parizu kao kod kuće, koji je ovih dana osvojio svoj 17. GS...




[uredio Dar - 15. lipnja 2018. u 22:29]
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