Rafael Nadal Parera - najveći svih vremena?

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
04. rujna 2018. u 21:59

NEW YORK - Možda nije uvjerljiv do kraja, ali pobjeđuje. Sa Thiemom u četvrtfinalu, Rafa stvarno naporno trenira svoj najbolji udarac. Na betonu, u usporedbi sa zemljom, točnost i brzina koraka je još važnija



Znamo sve o Rafa Nadalu. Osobno, mislim da sam bio razbiti svoje kutije na prikrajku desetaka puta (kada nisu direktno na terenu, kao što je u Indian Wellsu, gdje je to biti u klubu ispod kuće, možete igrati u praksi sudova u susjedstvu uzoraka, i moram reći Smiješno kad udarite lopticu, bježite od tamo, a Berdych ili Thiem poslati natrag vama nasmiješenim, kakve dobre uspomene). Samo Dominik Thiem će biti protivnik za Nadala u četvrtfinalu, teške utakmice, austrijski uspjela pokucati tri puta na crvenom Rafa omiljeni zemlju iz španjolskog, stoga beton je spor, ali s skokova vrlo „živa”. Možete dobro napasti, kao što nam je Federer rekao na konferenciji za novinare, a lopta se dobro sklanja. Između Nadal i Thiem, ova ekološka situacija donijet će prednosti i nedostatke za oboje.

Ako će Rafa i dalje stajati šest metara iza osnovne linije u odgovoru, vanjski Dominikov kick-servis mogao bi ga natjerati da lopticu hvata na tribinama. S druge strane, naravno, Nadalovi forhendi pridonijet će velikim odskocima loptice na cementu Flushing meadowsa. Kao i obično, kao dobar "tenisko računalo" kao što je to, Rafa se obvezao trenirati samo udarac koji bi mogao više nanijeti štetu Thiemu. Bio sam u prolazu tamo slučajno, jer sam bio idući u golfu aryna Sabalenka (koji je izgubio od Osake, gori mi komad, dovraga, ali nema veze, ja ću pisati u svakom slučaju, djevojka je čudo), i ne, nisam mogla prestati vidjeti i dokumentirati. Već je bio završetak treninga, pri čemu je Carlos Moya pokušavao ponavljati uzorke tlaka i zatim zatvarati ravnim rubom. Dopustimo da tada priznamo malu pouku u nogu, u društvu najboljeg lijevog udjela u optjecaju. Dame i gospodo, potraga za loptom s nogama, Majstor danas, prijatelj Rafael Nadal Parera, rekao je Rafa.

Iznad, na vrhu kretanja, nakon što se pada natrag iz podjele (stojeće hodalice) pozicioniranja, Rafa prebacuje težinu s lijeve noge udesno, "bacajući" unatrag i bočno dok podiže glava reketa, uz desnu ruku. U gornjem desnom kutu, da vidimo koliko se naginje, bit će 30 dobrih razreda. Ispod, "tresti" s nogama, kako bi se prilagodili željenoj prethodnoj neravnoteži poprsja, vidimo unatrag munje unatrag, s posljednjom završnom potporom lijeve noge, koja će biti ona koja će opteretiti potisak cjelokupno izvršenje. U trenutku kad Rafa spusti tu nogu, od tamo više ne možete kretati, ako je 10 cm u krivu s položajem u odnosu na loptu, udarac bi bio predodređen za ogradu ili pogrešku, neizbježno.



Iznad, na vrhu vidimo oslobađanje pokreta za udarac, kao što je rekao potisak počinje s lijeve noge, da se pomakne udesno tijekom oklopa. Impresivno je vidjeti okvira utjecaja, gornji desni, i snagu koju je izražavao Rafa, s produženim okretanjem ekstremiteta ("vanjski" položaj za ruke) koji ne gubi snagu opterećenja ili palac poluga. Ispod, konačni nastup, "preokrenuti" iznad glave, obrat je bio toliko snažan da se igrač nailazi na slijetanje na terenu iz dinamičke suspenzije skoro okrenut na drugi način. Kakav udarac i kakva teška lopta, momci. Cjelokupna sekvencija koja je pregledana sada nije trajala više od sekunde, vidite da je lopta ušla u okvir u okviru gdje je Rafa upravo zaokružila ramena ("jedinica okreće") i obavlja prvi korak. Bio je to strašan Moya od tri četvrtine polja, to je matematika, to je oko 130 kmh drveta, a ovaj veliki čovjek od 85 kilograma mišića hoda poput ptičice, sa svojim nogama koji su putovali na nevjerojatne frekvencije. Pljesak i zahvaljujući Rafa za lekciju i emisiju.



Iznad, kako bi pravda bila potpuno Rafa, vidimo suprotno, ne treba naglasiti nevjerojatnu preciznost načina na koji se on poravnava s loptom, peta-nogom reketa, stražnjom nogom, sve da bude uokviren. Uzimajući sliku naslovnice komada, staviti ispod, možemo cijeniti prekrasnu simetriju dvaju fundamenta španjolskog. U ovoj posljednjoj slici dodala sam dvije linije koje pokazuju što znači ručni položaj: pravedan je kut ravnine ramena, na 90 ° do ravne linije koja se pridružuje Rafa, lopta, reketa i noge kreće za preciznost. Možete upotrijebiti grafički program tipa autocad kako bi ga shematizirao, i ne bi se slegnuo ramenima milimetrom. Već znamo to za čitav život, također će biti suvišno ponoviti, ali ono što je prvak, a prije svega, što je fine tehnike, majstor Rafa.





[uredio Dar - 04. rujna 2018. u 22:03]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
08. rujna 2018. u 19:56

"Izvinite, nije pošteno porediti moje povrede sa Novakovim i Rodžerovim"

Najbolji teniser sveta Rafael Nadal posle predaje na US openu istakao je da je on imao mnogo više povreda tokom karijere od najvećih rivala.




Valja shvatiti Nadalovu tugu jer ove godine igra možda i ponajbolji tenis u karijeri.

Ne libi se izaći na mrežu, skratiti lopte, napasti bekhendom, a to mu je do sada išlo veoma dobro.

Zato je i sasvim zasluženo vodeći tenisač na ATP-ovoj ljestvici,

Na svim je turnirima došao do polufinala i samo ga je splet nesretnih okolnosti omeo da zaigra u trima finalima.

U Australiji i SAD-u morao je predati zbog ozljede, a u Wimbledonu je Đoković imao vrašku sreću što je maratonski susret igran pod krovom i
što je trajao dva dana koji su ostavljali dovoljno prostora za punjenje baterija.

Jasno da je razočaranje veliko, ali treba prošlost ostaviti statističarima, pokušati sanirati problem i pripremiti se za završnicu sezone u kojoj bi morao napasti i naslov na završnomu turniru najboljih.

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
10. rujna 2018. u 12:29

Nakon završnoga GS-a ove sezone, potpuno zaslužene Đokovićeve pobjede, valja se ponovno poigrati brojkama i opovrgnuti tvrdnje da je Rafael Nadal jednodimenzionalni igrač koji bez Rolanda Garrosa ne bi bio među trojicom najboljih u povijesti.


Nadal je, ne računajući njegovu najuspješniju podlogu, osvojio 6 GS-turnira (4 beton, 2 trava). To je, znajući li se da je na betonu najslabije snalazi, 23.5 posto uspješnosti (4/17). Možda će neki reći da je trava njegova najslabija podloga, stoga treba spomenuti da je u Wimbledonu osvojio 2 naslova. A to je 11,7 posto uspješnosti (2/17). Zanimljivo je spomenuti da na travi (1 prilika svake godine) ima 2 naslova, a na betonu (2 prilike svake godine) ima 4 naslova. Dakle, konstantan je na slabijim podlogama.

Federer je, ne računajući njegovu najuspješniju podlogu, osvojio 9 GS-turnira (8 trava, 1 zemlja) ili 12 turnira (11 beton, 1 zemlja). To je, znajući da se na zemlji najslabije snalazi, 5 posto uspješnosti (1/20).

Đoković je, ne računajući njegovu najuspješniju podlogu, osvojio 7 GS-turnira (4 trava, 1 zemlja). To je, znajući da se na zemlji najslabije snalazi, 7.1 posto uspješnosti (1/14).


Federer (11 naslova na betonu) i Đoković (9 naslova na betonu) svake godine imaju dvije prilike da na betonu povećaju broj naslova, dok Nadal (11 na zemlji) ima samo jednu priliku da to napravi na svojoj najomiljenijoj podlozi. Možda će pojedinci reći da je trava Federerova najjača podloga, onda treba spomenuti da Švicarac u Wimbledonu (8 pobjeda) ima 3 naslova manje od Nadala na terenima Rolanda Garrosa (11 pobjeda).


Nadal je jedini u finalu uspio pobijediti kralja trave (Federera) i kralja betona (Đokovića). Njegovi ga najveći konkurenti nikada nisu pobijedili u finalu Rolanda Garrosa.


Nadal je najuspješniji na zemljanoj podlozi, a baš ondje uspijevaju najraznovrsniji igrači.

Nadal je jedini tenisač koji je osvojio dvocifreni broj naslova na jednomu GS-turniru.

Nadal je rekorder po broju uzastopnih pobjeda na jednoj podlozi – 81 na zemljanoj.

Nadal je rekorder po postotku pobjeda na najvećim turnirima – 97 posto na zemljanoj podlozi.


Federer - GS

Tournament Titles Win-Loss Record Win%

Australian Open 06 94-13 88%

French Open 01 65-16 80%

Wimbledon 08 95-12 89%

US Open 05 85-13 87%

Total 20 339-54 86%



Nadal - GS:

Tournament Titles Win-Loss Record Win%

Australian Open 01 55-12 82%

French Open 11 86-02 97%

Wimbledon 02 48-11 81%

US Open 03 58-11 84%

Total 17 247-36 87%



Đoković - GS:

Tournament Titles Win-Loss Record Win%

Australian Open 06 61-08 88%

French Open 01 63-13 83%

Wimbledon 04 65-10 87%

US Open 03 69-10 88%

Total 14 258-41 87%

Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 03.06.2013.
Poruka: 290
10. rujna 2018. u 14:53



Skoro sve napisano nakon prve rečenice upravo potvrđuje tvrdnje da je Nadal igrač koji je od sve trojice najviše vezan za jednu dominantnu podlogu.

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
10. rujna 2018. u 15:12

I Janica Kostelić bila je vezana za slalom pa je svejedno samo na jednoj Olimpijadi osvojila tri zlatne i jednu srebrnu medalju.

I objasni po čemu je to Nadal vezan samo za jednu dominantnu podlogu ako na najslabijoj podlozi ima bolji postotak uspješnosti nego ostala dvojica?


Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 11.03.2013.
Poruka: 139
10. rujna 2018. u 22:35

Ja ne kužim kako je Nadal mogao sad tako puno bodova izgubiti? Izgubio je 2560 bodova, a osvojio 720 što znači da bi trebao izgubiti 1280 bodova... Jel mi može netko to objasniti?

Hvala unaprijed!

Charlie Harper
Charlie Harper
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 24.04.2012.
Poruka: 10.304
11. rujna 2018. u 11:23

MAX1954 je napisao/la:

Ja ne kužim kako je Nadal mogao sad tako puno bodova izgubiti? Izgubio je 2560 bodova, a osvojio 720 što znači da bi trebao izgubiti 1280 bodova... Jel mi može netko to objasniti?

Hvala unaprijed!

Vidi cijeli citat

2000 branio za osvajanje prošlogodišnjeg us opena

720 osvojio ove godine s polufinalom


Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
12. rujna 2018. u 22:09



Current Elo ratings for the ATP tour. This list includes only those players who have completed 20 or more tour-level matches since the beginning of last season.

Unlike the official rankings, Elo ratings give credit for who you play, not the round or tournament in which you play them. You can find more details on tennis Elo ratings here.

A 100-point difference in Elo ratings implies that the favorite has a 64% chance of winning; 200 points implies 76%, 300 points implies 85%, 400 points implies 91%, and 500 points implies 95%. The overall rating ("Elo") doesn't consider surface, and the surface-specific ratings ("Hard" etc.) are based solely on matches played on a single surface.

Updated weekly(ish). Last update: 2018-09-10



Rank Player Age Elo      Hard Clay Grass      Peak Match Peak Age Peak Elo
1 Rafael Nadal 32.2 2239.8   2047.8 2252.0 1720.2   2009 Madrid Masters F 22.9 2388.4
2 Novak Djokovic 31.3 2168.5   2105.6 2056.6 1983.6   2016 Monte Carlo Masters R32 28.9 2459.9
3 Roger Federer 37.1 2136.8   2057.5 1748.4 1897.8   2007 Indian Wells Masters R64 25.6 2405.7
4 Juan Martin Del Potro 29.9 2102.3   2022.1 1869.0 1691.9   2009 Tokyo R32 21.0 2256.6
5 Alexander Zverev 21.4 2034.4   1906.9 2085.2 1701.9   2017 Cincinnati Masters R32 20.3 2136.8
6 Andy Murray 31.3 2018.0   1977.9 1954.8 1799.4   2017 Doha F 29.6 2334.7
7 Marin Cilic 29.9 1997.0   1868.9 1839.9 1841.7   2010 Dubai QF 21.4 2110.6
8 Dominic Thiem 25.0 1993.9   1832.9 2060.3 1640.9   2016 Halle SF 22.8 2116.5
9 David Goffin 27.7 1992.1   1927.7 1923.7 1611.7   2017 Monte Carlo SF 26.4 2034.6
10 Kei Nishikori 28.7 1985.6   1855.3 1977.9 1742.7   2016 Us Open SF 26.7 2201.9
11 Kevin Anderson 32.3 1968.5   1858.6 1820.7 1762.0   2015 Shanghai Masters QF 29.4 2004.6
12 Milos Raonic 27.7 1964.7   1875.5 1830.0 1804.1   2016 Wimbledon F 25.5 2144.4
13 Nick Kyrgios 23.3 1954.6   1866.3 1635.3 1736.8   2017 Cincinnati Masters F 22.3 2081.9
14 Stefanos Tsitsipas 20.0 1954.3   1828.4 1750.9 1612.1   2018 Canada Masters F 20.0 2012.4
15 Grigor Dimitrov 27.3 1942.5   1913.7 1784.6 1681.5   2014 Canada Masters SF 23.2 2099.1
16 Karen Khachanov 22.3 1942.0   1808.3 1807.4 1755.1   2018 Cincinnati Masters R16 22.2 1950.8
17 John Isner 33.3 1927.8   1847.1 1792.6 1779.6   2012 US Open R32 27.3 2045.5
18 Borna Coric 21.8 1923.1   1845.5 1763.1 1591.1   2018 Wimbledon R128 21.6 1966.8
19 Fabio Fognini 31.3 1915.5   1833.6 1854.7 1633.9   2014 Monte Carlo Masters R16 26.9 2014.3
20 Roberto Bautista Agut 30.4 1907.9   1827.2 1829.6 1793.2   2016 Rotterdam QF 27.8 2020.2
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
12. rujna 2018. u 22:10



The Case for Novak Djokovic … and Roger Federer … and Rafael Nadal


By winning the US Open last weekend and increasing his career total to ten Grand Slams, Novak Djokovic has pushed himself even further into conversations about the greatest of all time. At the very least, his 2015 season is shaping up to be one of the best in tennis history.

A recent FiveThirtyEight article introduced Elo ratings into the debate, showing that Djokovic’s career peak–achieved earlier this year at the French Open–is the highest of anyone’s, just above 2007 Roger Federer and 1980 Bjorn Borg. In implementing my own Elo ratings, I’ve discovered just how close those peaks are.

Here are my results for the top 15 peaks of all time [1]:

Player                 Year   Elo  
Novak Djokovic         2015  2525  
Roger Federer          2007  2524  
Bjorn Borg             1980  2519  
John McEnroe           1985  2496  
Rafael Nadal           2013  2489  
Ivan Lendl             1986  2458  
Andy Murray            2009  2388  
Jimmy Connors          1979  2384  
Boris Becker           1990  2383  
Pete Sampras           1994  2376  
Andre Agassi           1995  2355  
Mats Wilander          1984  2355  
Juan Martin del Potro  2009  2352  
Stefan Edberg          1988  2346  
Guillermo Vilas        1978  2325

A one-point gap is effectively nothing: It means that peak Djokovic would have a 50.1% chance of beating peak Federer. The 35-point gap separating Novak from peak Rafael Nadal is considerably more meaningful, implying that the better player has a 55% chance of winning.

Surface-specific Elo

If we limit our scope to hard-court matches, Djokovic is still a very strong contender, but Fed’s 2007 peak is clearly the best of all time:

Player          Year  Hard Ct Elo  
Roger Federer   2007         2453  
Novak Djokovic  2014         2418  
Ivan Lendl      1989         2370  
Pete Sampras    1997         2356  
Rafael Nadal    2014         2342  
John McEnroe    1986         2332  
Andy Murray     2009         2330  
Andre Agassi    1995         2326  
Stefan Edberg   1987         2285  
Lleyton Hewitt  2002         2262

Ivan Lendl and Pete Sampras make much better showings on this list than on the overall ranking. Still, they are far behind Fed and Novak–the roughly 100-point difference between peak Fed and peak Pete is equivalent to a 64% probability that the higher-rated player would win.

On clay, I’ll give you three guesses who tops the list–and your first two guesses don’t count. It isn’t even close:

Player           Year  Clay Ct Elo  
Rafael Nadal     2009         2550  
Bjorn Borg       1982         2475  
Novak Djokovic   2015         2421  
Ivan Lendl       1988         2408  
Mats Wilander    1984         2386  
Roger Federer    2009         2343  
Jose Luis Clerc  1981         2318  
Guillermo Vilas  1982         2316  
Thomas Muster    1996         2313  
Jimmy Connors    1980         2307

Borg was great, but Nadal is in another league entirely. Though Djokovic has pushed Nadal out of many greatest-of-all-time debates–at least for the time being–there’s little doubt that Rafa is the greatest clay court player of all time, and likely the most dominant player in tennis history on any single surface.

Djokovic is well back of both Nadal and Borg, but in his favor, he’s the only player ranked in the top three for both major surfaces.

The survivor

As the second graph in the 538 article shows, Federer stands out as the greatest player of all time at his age. Most players have retired long before their 34th birthday, and even those who stick around aren’t usually contesting Grand Slam finals. In fact, Federer’s Elo rating of 2393 after his US Open semifinal win against Stanislas Wawrinka last week would rank as the sixth-highest peak of all time, behind Lendl and just ahead of Andy Murray.

Here are the top ten Elo peaks for players over 34:

Player         Age   34+ Elo  
Roger Federer  34.1     2393  
Jimmy Connors  34.1     2234  
Andre Agassi   35.3     2207  
Rod Laver      36.6     2207  
Ken Rosewall   37.4     2195  
Tommy Haas     35.3     2111  
Arthur Ashe    35.7     2107  
Ivan Lendl     34.1     2054  
Andres Gimeno  35.0     2035  
Mark Cox       34.0     2014

The 160-point gap between Federer and Jimmy Connors implies that 34-year-old Fed would win about 70% of the time against 34-year-old Connors. No one has ever sustained this level of play–or anything close to it–for this long.

At the risk of belaboring the point, similar arguments can be made for 33-year-old Fed, all the way to 30-year-old Fed. At almost any stage in the last four years, Federer has been better than any player in history at that age [2].  Djokovic has matched many of Roger’s career accomplishments so far, especially on clay, but it would be truly remarkable if he maintained a similar level of play through the end of the decade.

Current Elo ratings

While it’s not really germane to today’s subject, I’ve got the numbers, so let’s take a look at the current ATP Elo ratings. Since Elo is new to most tennis fans, I’ve included columns to indicate each player’s chances of beating Djokovic and of beating the current #10, Milos Raonic, based on their rating. As a general rule, a 100-point gap translates to a 64% chance of winning for the favorite, a 200-point gap implies 76%, and a 500-point gap is equivalent to 95%.

Rank  Player                  Elo  Vs #1  Vs #10  
1     Novak Djokovic         2511      -     91%  
2     Roger Federer          2386    33%     84%  
3     Andy Murray            2332    26%     79%  
4     Kei Nishikori          2256    19%     71%  
5     Rafael Nadal           2256    19%     71%  
6     Stan Wawrinka          2186    13%     62%  
7     David Ferrer           2159    12%     58%  
8     Tomas Berdych          2148    11%     56%  
9     Richard Gasquet        2128    10%     54%  
10    Milos Raonic           2103     9%       -  
Rank  Player                  Elo  Vs #1  Vs #10  
11    Gael Monfils           2084     8%     47%  
12    Jo-Wilfried Tsonga     2083     8%     47%  
13    Marin Cilic            2081     8%     47%  
14    Kevin Anderson         2074     7%     46%  
15    John Isner             2035     6%     40%  
16    David Goffin           2027     6%     39%  
17    Grigor Dimitrov        2021     6%     38%  
18    Gilles Simon           2005     5%     36%  
19    Jack Sock              1994     5%     35%  
20    Roberto Bautista Agut  1986     5%     34%  
Rank  Player                  Elo  Vs #1  Vs #10  
21    Philipp Kohlschreiber  1982     5%     33%  
22    Tommy Robredo          1963     4%     31%  
23    Feliciano Lopez        1955     4%     30%  
24    Nick Kyrgios           1951     4%     29%  
25    Ivo Karlovic           1949     4%     29%  
26    Jeremy Chardy          1940     4%     28%  
27    Alexandr Dolgopolov    1940     4%     28%  
28    Bernard Tomic          1936     4%     28%  
29    Fernando Verdasco      1932     3%     27%  
30    Fabio Fognini          1925     3%     26%



  1. These numbers don’t precisely agree with 538’s, or with either of two other recent sets of ratings. Some of the discrepancy seems to be due to including or excluding retirements and withdrawals–both 538 and I are excluding them, but when I included retirements (though not withdrawals), Federer and Djokovic swapped places at the top of the list.
  2. 538’s graph shows Lendl ahead at age 30 and Connors with a slight edge briefly around age 32.
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.139
12. rujna 2018. u 22:11

Rafael Nadal and the Greatest Single-Tournament Performances


In the last two weeks, Rafael Nadal recorded his 11th titles in both Monte Carlo and Barcelona. His career records at those two events, along with his ten Roland Garros championships, reflect a level of dominance never before seen on a single surface. They have to be considered among the greatest achievements in tennis history, and perhaps in all of sport.

The tennis fan in me is content to speculate about whether anyone will ever stop him. The analyst wants to dig deeper: Has Nadal’s performance at one of the tournaments been even better than the rest? How do these single-event records compare to other exploits, such as Roger Federer’s trophy haul at Wimbledon, or Bjorn Borg’s nearly-undefeated career at the French Open?

Barcelona by the numbers

Let’s start with Barcelona. Since 2005–we’ll ignore his 2003 appearance as a 16-year-old wild card–he has played the event 13 times, winning 11 of them. That’s a won-loss record of 57-2.

Usually, I would calculate the probability of a player winning so many tournaments in that many chances, then come up with a tiny percentage that would represent his odds of achieving such a feat. That would miss the mark here. Instead, I want to look at the problem from the opposite perspective: In order to win so many titles, how good must Nadal be?

We already know that Rafa is the best of all time on clay, in general. Using the Elo rating system, his peak surface-specific rating–that is, Elo calculated using only results on clay courts–is over 2,500, better than anyone else on clay … or anyone else on any surface. (Nadal’s current clay-specific Elo is around 2,400, and the closest things he has to rivals on the surface right now, Dominic Thiem and Kei Nishikori, sit at about 2,190 and 2,150. Stefanos Tsitsipas’s rating is 1865.) Since Rafa has posted his best results at these three events, it stands to reason that his tournament-specific levels are even higher.

Here, then, is the method we can use to figure that out. First, for each year he entered Barcelona, determine his path to the title. (For the 11 titles, that’s easy; for the other two, we use the players he would have faced had he kept winning.) Using each opponent’s clay court Elo rating at the time of the match, we can determine the odds that various hypothetical (and dominant) players would have progressed through the draw and won the title.

Here is Nadal’s path to the 2018 title, showing each player’s pre-match clay court Elo*, along with the odds that Rafa (given his own current rating) would beat him:

Round  Opponent                 Opp Elo  p(Rafa W)  
R32    Roberto Carballes Baena     1767      97.3%  
R16    Guillermo Garcia Lopez      1769      97.2%  
QF     Martin Klizan               1894      94.5%  
SF     David Goffin                2079      84.5%  
F      Stefanos Tsitsipas          1900      94.3%

* from this point on, the clay court Elos I use are 50/50 blends of clay-specific Elo–that is, a rating calculating only with clay court results–and overall Elo. The blended rating is the one that has proven best at predicting match outcomes. Nadal is the all-time leader in this category as well, with a 50/50 clay Elo that peaked around 2,510.

Given those five single-match probabilities, the odds that Nadal would win the tournament were just over 70%. That’s dominant, but it’s not 11-out-of-13 dominant.

What if Rafa were underrated by Elo, at least in Barcelona? Here is the probability that a player at various Elo ratings would have beaten the five opponents that he faced last week:

Clay Elo  p(2018 Title)  
2200              41.2%  
2250              50.4%  
2300              59.1%  
2350              66.9%  
2400              73.6%  
2450              79.3%  
2500              83.9%  
2550              87.6%  
2600              90.5%

It turns out that this year’s title path was one of the weakest since 2005. It is roughly equivalent to the players Nadal needed to defeat in 2006 (with Nicolas Almagro in the semis and Tommy Robredo in the final), and a bit tougher than last year’s route, which didn’t feature a top-50 player until Thiem in the final. The toughest was his hypothetical path in 2015, when he lost to Fabio Fognini in the second round. Had he progressed, he would have faced David Ferrer in the semis and Nishikori in the final.

Once we figure out the quality of Rafa’s opponents (and would-have-been opponents, for the two years he lost early), we can work out the odds that any player–given those paths–would have won the tournament each year.

If we assume that Rafa’s average level since 2005 is the same as his current level–a clay Elo of around 2,400–the odds that he would have won 11 Barcelona titles in 13 tries is 13.0%. We don’t have the luxury of replaying those 13 tournaments in a few thousand alternate universes, so it’s not entirely clear what to make of that number–was Rafa lucky? would he do it again, given the chance? is he actually way better than an Elo level of 2,400 in Barcelona?

I don’t know the answer to those questions; all we know is what happened. To compare (un)decimas (and related accomplishments by other players), we’re going to look at the Elo level that would have resulted in the achievement at least 50% of the time. In other words, how good would Nadal have to have been to give himself a 50/50 chance at winning 11 Barcelona titles in 13 tries?

At various clay Elo levels, here are the odds that Rafa would have completed the Barcelona undécima:

Clay Elo  p(11 of 13)  
2300             1.0%  
2350             4.6%  
2400            13.0%  
2450            28.0%  
2500            47.2%  
2550            64.2%  
2600            77.7%  
2650            87.3%  
2700            93.1%

Thus, a player with a clay Elo of about 2,505 would have had a 50% chance of matching Nadal’s feat at his home tournament. To put it another way: At this event, over a span of 14 years, he has played at a level roughly equal to his career peak which, incidentally, is the all-time best clay Elo rating ever achieved by an ATP player.

Comparing las (un)decimas

I hope that my method makes sense and seems like a reasonable way of quantifying a rare feat. Algorithm in hand, we can compare Nadal’s Barcelona record with his efforts in Monte Carlo and Paris.

Monte Carlo

Rafa has entered 14 times since 2005 (again, excluding his 2003 appearance) and won 11. That’s a bit less impressive than 11-of-13, but the competition level is much higher. Only last year’s tournament, in which the opposing finalist was Albert Ramos, is in the same league as most of the Barcelona draws.

Sure enough, the Monte Carlo undécima is lot more impressive. To have a 50% chance of winning 11 titles in 14 attempts, a player would need a clay Elo of about 2,595, almost 100 points higher than the comparable number for Barcelona, and well above the level any player has ever achieved, even at their peak.

Roland Garros

At the French Open, Nadal has entered 13 times, winning 10. The field is even more challenging than in Monte Carlo, but on the other hand, the five-set format gives a greater edge to favorites, lessening the chance of an underdog scoring an upset with two magical sets.

The Roland Garros 10-of-13 is not quite as eye-popping as the record at Monte Carlo. The clay Elo required to give a player a 50% chance of matching Nadal’s French Open feat is “only” around 2,570–still better than any player has ever attained, but a bit short of the comparable mark for Monte Carlo.

But wait … what about 2016? Rafa won two rounds and then withdrew from his third-rounder against Marcel Granollers. I don’t know whether that should count, but at least for argument’s sake, we should run the numbers without it, treating Nadal’s French Open record as 10 titles in 12 appearances, not 13. In that case, the clay Elo that would give a player a 50/50 shot at matching the record is 2,595–the same as the Monte Carlo number.

At the moment, Monte Carlo appears to be the tournament where Nadal has played his very best. With another French Open a few weeks away, though, that answer may be temporary.

Rafa vs other record holders

A few other players have racked up impressive totals at single events. Wikipedia has a convenient list, and a few accomplishments stand out: Federer’s tallies at Wimbledon, Basel, and Halle, Guillermo Vilas’s eight titles in Buenos Aires, and Borg’s six French Open titles in only eight appearances.

Let’s have a look at how they compare, ranked by the surface-specific Elo rating that would give a player a 50% chance of equaling the feat:

Player   Tourney          Wins  Apps  50% Elo  
Nadal    Monte Carlo        11    14     2595  
Nadal    French Open*       10    12     2595  
Nadal    French Open        10    13     2570  
Borg     French Open**       6     7     2550  
Nadal    Barcelona          11    13     2505  
Borg     French Open         6     8     2475  
Vilas    Buenos Aires***     8    10     2285  
Federer  Wimbledon           7    18     2285  
Federer  Halle               8    15     2205  
Federer  Basel               8    15     2180

* excluding 2016

** excluding 1973, when Borg was 16 years old, and lost in the fourth round

*** excluding 1969-71, both because Vilas was very young, and due to sketchy data

The only single-event achievement that ranks with Nadal’s is Borg’s record at Roland Garros–and even then, only when we don’t consider Borg’s loss there as a 16-year-old. Federer’s records in Wimbledon, Halle, and Basel are impressive, but fail to rate as highly because he has entered those tournaments so many times. Federer didn’t appear on tour ready to win everything on his chosen surface, the way Rafa did, and those early losses are part of the reason that his records at these tournaments are so low.

We never needed any numbers to know that Nadal’s accomplishments at his three favorite tournaments are among the best of all time. With these results, though, we can see just how dominant he has been, and how few achievements in tennis history can even compare. The scary thing: A month from now, I may need to come back and update this post with even more eye-popping numbers. The greatest show on clay courts isn’t over yet.




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