Srpski tenis

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 30.12.2005.
Poruka: 3.660
02. srpnja 2006. u 11:25
  Još manje problema oko uvjeta sada bi trebao imati Đoković koji je jedan od najperspektivnijih mladih igrača i može imati uvjete koje želi.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.01.2005.
Poruka: 42.430
02. srpnja 2006. u 11:27

Kao sto ja nebi nikada navijao za Draganju da se takmici pod zastavom Katara (uzalud mu vracanje u Hrvatsku, za mene ce uvijek biti Katranin ili kako se vec stanovnici Katara nazivaju) tako ni Srbi ne mogu navijati za nekoga tko je zbog sake dolara izdao domovinu.

Ok, interes je svima na prvom mjestu, kako rece Isus "tko je bez grijeha, neka prvi baci kamen" i svi bi mi mozda jednako postupili, ali cinjenica je da ja ne mogu podrzavati nekoga kome je novac ispred domovine. Jer istina je i ta da njima domovina nudi koliko moze, nasem Duji je ponudjeno vise nego bilo kojem drugom gradjaninu Hrvatske, sta je to meni Hrvatska dala u zivotu, pa sam opet uzeo oruzje u ruke i branio je jer je volim i nema novca na svijetu koji bi mi mogao platiti dusevno zadovoljstvo, da je kojim slucajem danas kokarda u Zadru i Dubrovniku a ja pun para negdje na Maldivima sve gledam iz daleka.

Neke stvari se ne mogu kupiti novcem.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 30.12.2005.
Poruka: 3.660
02. srpnja 2006. u 11:30
  Za sve ostalo tu je Dimnjačar s Maldiva.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 06.02.2004.
Poruka: 9.295
02. srpnja 2006. u 11:34
 dimnjacar je majstor spamanja... za njega ide nagrada "spammer of the year"... eto imamo dvojicu dobitnika...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.01.2005.
Poruka: 42.430
02. srpnja 2006. u 11:35
sto sam sad ja spamer

vrijedjate moje osjecaje 
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 01.11.2005.
Poruka: 36.827
02. srpnja 2006. u 11:54
  Ne bih se bas slozio sa konstatacijom da je je Srpski tenis u vrhu ali da u zadnjih godinu i pol biljezi uspon to svakako. Mozda ce se neki smijat , ali po meni nije nikakvo iznenadenje sto su se Ivanocićka i Jankovića plasirale u drugi tjedan Grand Slama  ,  odlicne tenisacice nema sta  - jos njih ceka dosta velikih uzbudenja , imaju potenciala i mlade su. Dalje , ni Novak me nije impresionira sto je otisao u drugi tjedan ,jer  imali smo ga priliku gledat u Parisu i vidjet  uistinu o kakvom se "kalibru" igraca radi , -..... Samo neznam kakvo je stanje s Tipsarevicem ?!
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 03.03.2006.
Poruka: 3.358
02. srpnja 2006. u 12:28
Pezzoni je napisao/la:

Keko81 je napisao/la:
 Zar Djokovic nije Crnogorac?
Vidi cijeli citat

Kralju 100% si  u pravu ... samo on toga nije svestan ...  Mada kako sad stvari stoje , vece su sanse da postane Britanac .

Vidi cijeli citat

Ma nema sanse da postane Britanac. Iako je stvarno odlican decko i svima je drag ovde u Engleskoj niko ga nece jer stvarno nema nikakve veze sa Britanijom.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.04.2005.
Poruka: 4.798
02. srpnja 2006. u 13:00
Q. There's one American woman left in the tournament.


Q. There are two Serbian women left in the tournament.

JELENA JANKOVIC: That's really strange stats (laughter). We're such a small country. Especially now that we split, Montenegro is now separated from Serbia. So really, we are.

Q. You're not SCG any more, just S?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know yet. My father is from Montenegro, my mother is from Serbia. We don't know what is happening now.

Q. You might play for Montenegro?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know yet what is going on. It's the politics. I have nothing to do with that.

Q. You were a top 20 player.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yes. I dropped from 17 to 40.

Q. The game was really sliding. Was there a point where you thought maybe you blew your chance, maybe you weren't going to be a top 20 player, maybe you just wanted to study and this wasn't the sport for you?

JELENA JANKOVIC: There came a moment when I thought I really don't enjoy to play tennis any more. Also I had a virus after I played finals in Korea last year in October. Two months I needed to recover.

Since then, I started, you know, not to enjoy tennis as much as I did before, like I do now. Sometimes I had bad situations. You know when you come on the court, you don't feel like you want to practice, you don't want to play the match, you're not excited. And that's what happened to me.

I thought, I will just study, I want to focus on something else. I wasn't thinking as much about tennis because I didn't really enjoy. And I'm the person who likes to do things and I want to love tennis and I want to play just because I love to play, not because I'm playing just because for no reason, I don't enjoy.

When I stop enjoying, I will just hang my racquet on the wall and I won't play any more. But now I really changed the thinking. After all this bad period, I think I learned a lot. It was a big experience for me, a learning experience. I think I just became stronger as a player and as a person as well.

I think more positively about life and about everything else. So I think it was sometimes some things are meant to be just to change the thoughts and your path, kind of, of the life.

Q. Your country has been in turbulent times. What kind of effect has that on you?

JELENA JANKOVIC: When I was younger, when I was 14 years old, when it was a war, I remember at that time I was really scared. At that time I was in America and my family was in Serbia. We were just looking like on the TV, watching the TV, bombs there, bombs there. My father calls, they have no electricity. You know, so many things happened. At that time I wasn't even playing. I didn't play any tournament when I was 14 years old.
So it was a tough period for every, you know for every person there. But now it's the past. I don't want to think about that. I just want to think about the present and enjoy the good moments.

Q. How is it now with Serbia and Montenegro splitting for you, with your mother and father?

JELENA JANKOVIC: It's okay. We live in Serbia. I really don't know because it's not my parents have to discuss all these things and see how it's going to go. I really don't know yet what is going on.
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 31.01.2005.
Poruka: 10.616
02. srpnja 2006. u 13:19

 Alo bre Dimnjacar i ostali.Kakav Duje Draganja?!?!?! Imate katarske forume pa tamo pisite o njemu.Ovo je hrvatski forum!

[uredio sh1]
Jah Bless
Pristupio: 05.02.2003.
Poruka: 7.826
02. srpnja 2006. u 13:23
ne bih htio bit bezobrazan, samo jedno skromno mišljenje o vašim igračicama...

Ivanović je super, legitimni i realno vrlo izgledni kandidat za top 10 jednog dana...

ali Janković... ne bih baš puno očekivao od nje, mislim, svaka čast za ovu pobjedu nad Venus, koja jest velika, al ne treba je nešto posebno dizat u nebesa... mislim da je ono 17. mjesto kojeg je jednom imala njen plafon...

sad, ako je to sve što i očekujete od nje, onda u redu
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