Tenis trivia

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
14. srpnja 2018. u 23:32

Angelique Kerber catches bus home

Game, Set, Match



Angelique Kerber had reached her fourth grand-slam final in three years, but the former world No 1 remained her grounded self by getting a London bus home with friends on Thursday evening. Hours after she beat Jelena Ostapenko in straight sets on Centre Court the German was spotted waiting at a bus stop on Wimbledon High Street. Kerber, who was the 2016 runner-up, faces Serena Williams in the final this afternoon.

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
17. srpnja 2018. u 23:27

Čitam Blic koji piše da se poznati Švicarac ne odvaja od Hrvatice. A ona eksplozija. Gledam naslovnu sliku i nikako da otkrije tko je taj Švicarac. Dobro, on je okrenut leđima. Ali ona izgleda izvanredno. Ali ja ju ne prepoznajem. Tek nakon što sam pregledao cijeli video, shvatio sam da je to naša Donči koji se pretvorila u vamp-ženu. Pitam se samo jesu li te Stanove ozljede  posljedica teniskih ili nekih drugih aktivnosti...


Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
21. srpnja 2018. u 23:56

Alkatraze, tvoja ljubimica u civilnom izdanju...




Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
25. srpnja 2018. u 00:43

How does taxation work for tennis players who win tournaments in different countries?




Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
31. srpnja 2018. u 23:18

A mind-blowing look at how every day things work






Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
31. srpnja 2018. u 23:30

Roger Federer and Nike are locked in a battle over the 'RF' brand — but a legal expert believes it's a fight Nike could win and 'exploit'


Roger Federer is used to competing on the courts, but the 20-time Grand Slam tennis champion appears to be locked in a boardroom battle with Nike — and it's all to do with the rights to his personalised "RF" branding.

Federer left Nike for lesser-known brand Uniqlo earlier in the year, in a move that saw his sponsorship revenue stream leap by 300% — earning him a reported $30 million a year . But the "RF" branding that he wore near Nike's iconic swish remains attached to his former sponsor, as it was Nike, not Federer, who created the design in 2010.

Federer said recently that he wants the "RF" branding back . However, a legal expert who specialises in intellectual property (IP) believes Nike is in the strongest position to retain ownership of the logo.

Jacqueline Pang, a trademark attorney at specialist IP Mewburn Ellis, told Tennis World USA that Nike's legal position is strong and that it could continue to exploit the brand, but warned that by doing so, the clothing giant may alienate a fanbase that is more loyal to Federer, rather than Nike.

"Nike has a potentially difficult PR path to navigate: retaining legal control of the RF brand may be a Pyrrhic victory if it means alienating Federer's passionate and loyal fanbase on whom the value of the brand presumably rests," Pang said.

She added that be brand's legal position "seems strong."

"It owns a number of trade mark registrations around the world for the RF logo and presumably also owns the copyright. Barring anything in the contract to the contrary, it could retain ownership of the brand and continue to exploit it.

"In that case, it would also be in a position to prevent Federer or any third parties (like Uniqlo) from using the RF logo or anything similar for clothing and related goods."

Pang did note that much will depend on the contract between Nike and Roger Federer himself, and "to what extent provision was made for such an eventuality."

Such an eventuality may have been thought of long ago, as Federer himself believes the ownership of the "RF" logo will eventually transfer over to him.

He recently said that the "RF" branding "will come to me at some point," according to Tennis World USA . And, in what could be a nod to a contractual stipulation, he added that the logo is "not theirs forever."

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
31. srpnja 2018. u 23:32

Serena Williams inspires her Reddit co-founder husband's career in tech — and he says his marriage is 'a front row seat to greatness'


Being married to 23-time Grand Slam tennis champion Serena Williams is like a "front row seat to greatness," according to her husband Alexis Ohanian.

Ohanian, an internet entrepreneur, said in an interview with Fox Business that he always presumed "tech was the hardest working industry."

But, after speaking with Williams, Ohanian quickly changed his mind.

"I really thought I was like the hardest working person I knew," he said. "I thought tech was the hardest working industry. Our businesses are open 24/7 and, of course, we're always working and grinding. But then I started talking to her and then realised, very quickly, just how wrong I was."

Ohanian co-founded the news website Reddit in 2005 and became a multi-millionaire aged 23 when he sold it 16 months later. He met Williams at a cafe in Italy in 2015 and improved the tennis ace's website with a superior "tech strategy" while also helping secure "deal flows with sponsorships and investments."

The pair got married in 2017 and Ohanian said Williams has inspired him in business.

"It's a front row seat to greatness and that is what I'm working towards in my own career," he said.

Ohanian and Williams had a daughter, Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr., in September last year. Since then, Williams has returned to tennis and almost captured her first major since being a mom, what would have been her 24th Grand Slam title, when she reached the 2018 Wimbledon Championships final — but she missed out to Angelique Kerber.

Ohanian co-founded Initialized Capital in 2010, is an Open Internet activist (an advocate for net neutrality), and is widely regarded as "one of the most creative people in business."


Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
01. kolovoza 2018. u 13:46





Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
02. kolovoza 2018. u 15:05

Samo za ljubitelje Rogera, Rafaila, Novaka, Siliča, Ćorkala...


Papa je na današnjoj audijenciji usredotočio svoju katehezu na prvu Božju zapovijed, koja zabranjuje obožavanje osoba ili stvari, jer privrženost stvarima ili idejama zasljepljuje ljubav. Za istinsku ljubav potrebno je biti slobodan od idola, upozorio je Sveti Otac. Sve se može koristiti kao idolopoklonstvo, jer obožavanje idola je rašireno u čovječanstvu, podliježu im vjernici i ateisti. Mi, kršćani, morali bismo se pitati je li naš jedini Trojstveni Bog ljubavi ili moja slika, moj osobni uspjeh, pa čak i unutar Crkve. Prema njegovu mišljenju, idolopoklonstvo je trajna napast vjere, koja obožava ono što nije Bog. Objasnio je kako je na egzistencijalnoj razini svakidašnjice, idolopoklonstvo središte vlastitog života, o čemu ovisi sve ono što čovjek čini i misli. Može se rasti u nominalno kršćanskoj obitelji, koja je međutim povezana sa stvarima koje nemaju veze s Evanđeljem. Ljudsko biće po prirodi se usredotočuje na određene stvari.


Svijet nudi supermarkete idola, a to mogu biti stvari, slike, ideje ili uloge, primijetio je papa Bergoglio, navevši vlastiti doživljaj iz Buenos Airesa. Jednom je išao služiti misu u župu druge biskupije, a potom je trebao u susjednoj župi podijeliti krizmu te se pješke uputio preko jednog lijepog parka prema toj župi. U parku je naišao na skupinu ljudi koji su sjedili jedan iza drugog, koji su umjesto da se mole Bogu, providnosti za budućnost, čitali budućnost iz karata. Upitao ih je koliko su puta išli k vračarima kako bi predvidjela budućnost, umjesto da se pođu moliti u crkvu. Samo je Gospodin Bog, a sve ostalo su idoli i idolopoklonstva, koja ne služe ičemu. Dapače, oni traže krv. U stara vremena idolima se žrtvovalo čak i ljude. I danas se žrtvuje djecu zbog karijere ili se provodi sate i sate pred zrcalom zbog ljepote, trošeći novac. Nije loše šminkati se, ali normalno a ne želeći postati božicom. I slava pretpostavlja žrtvovanje samo sebe, vlastite nevinosti i autentičnosti. Novac uništava živote, a slast dovodi do samoće.


Gospodarska ustrojstva žrtvuju ljudske živote za sve većom korišću, nastavio je Papa nabrajati razne oblike idolopoklonstva koji uništavaju ljudske živote te upozorio na otpuštanje radnika, jer poduzetnici i kompanije žele zaraditi što više preko njihovih leđa. Živimo licemjerno, čineći i govoreći ono što drugi očekuju, jer to nameće bog vlastite afirmacije, analiza aktualne životne scene. Uništavaju se životi i obitelji, mladi prepuštaju destruktivnim modelima kako bi se povećao profit, zaključio je Papa na kraju opće audijencije, posebno upozorivši na strašan idol droge, koja uništava zdravlje i živote mnogih mladih.




na današnjoj audijenciji usredotočio svoju katehezu na prvu Božju zapovijed, koja zabranjuje


obožavanje osoba ili stvari, jer privrženost stvarima ili idejama zasljepljuje ljubav. Za istinsku

[uredio Dar - 02. kolovoza 2018. u 15:10]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
02. kolovoza 2018. u 22:10

Someone made a hilarious meme of Roger Federer on Twitter — and it was so good the tennis star replied


  • Roger Federer was made into a meme on Twitter.
  • The post was so bizarre it prompted a reply from the 20-time Grand Slam tennis champion himself.
  • Federer is renowned for his sense of humour, and has left fans in stitches with self-deprecating Twitter posts in the past.

Roger Federer was made into a meme on Twitter — and the post was so bizarre, the 20-time Grand Slam tennis champion personally replied.


Twitter user "itscameliaaa" created a collage of four photographs and screenshotted them together on a mobile device. The collage is… interesting, to say the least.


It starts with a normal head-shot of Federer, but it gets weirder the further you scroll, as there's then a cartoon midriff, a tail, and Timberland-style boots.


See for yourself here:




The collage went viral very quickly and, at current count, has over 150 replies, 13,000 retweets and 60,000 likes. One of those to reply was Federer himself, who applauded the creativity.


Federer is renowned for his sense of humour


The 36-year-old is revered for his technical ability and his longevity at the very top of the game in tennis, but Federer is also renowned for his sense of humour.


After all, this is the man who believes Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates would make the perfect tennis partner , who had to field curveball questions from comedian Will Ferrell as to whether the secret of his success was eating wombat meat , and who explained why he would never dress like tennis rival Rafa Nadal (it comes down to Nadal's incredible muscles).


Federer is not a prolific social media user, but fans appreciate his posts whenever he tweets.


Two months ago, when Federer returned to the courts after skipping the clay season, Federer was asked by a fan how his wife, Mirka Federer, felt about his return to competition.


He tweeted the hilariously self-deprecating reply: "Finally he is out of the house."

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