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U finalu Roland Garrosa su igrali Tsitsipas i Đoković. Rezultat nakon dva seta je bio 7-6, 6-2 za Tsitsipasa. U stanci između drugog i trećeg seta Đoković odlazi na ''toilet break''. Vraća se i okreće meč sa 6-3, 6-2 i 6-4. Nakon toga Tsitsipas na skoro svakom meču uzima ''toilet breakove'' i nema ga između 5 i 10 minuta.
Drugi igrači su također uzimali ''toilet breakove''. Osim Đokovića, radili su to i mnogi drugi. Razlika je u tome što to Tsitsipas radi na skoro svakom meču, čak i u prvim kolima a ovi drugi su to radili podmuklo to jest samo na velikim mečevima kad bi zapali u nevolje. Tsitsipas zapravo prosvjeduje na svoj način protiv toga i izruguje se ATP-u.
During his press conference, Tsitsipas insisted that he has not broken any rule:
“I said that we should both (Andy and me) discuss it, the two of us, because I followed the rules. I didn’t break anything, any rules. I think there is rule for that which really doesn’t specify the time that you have to spend in the bathroom. For me it is important to take that break. For someone else probably not. And everyone has his own time. I try and be as quick as I can. Sometimes I just need a bit more time. That’s all. If I break a rule, sure, I’m guilty. I agree, I’m not doing something right. If I’m staying within the guidelines, then what’s the issue?”
Andy Murray koji proziva Tsitsipasa je naravno i sam uzimao toilet breakove kad mu nije išlo:
“I have a question for you,” Tsitsipas said. “I don't watch other people's business. But I remember watching it when I was younger. Can you please check when Andy Murray faced Novak Djokovic at the final here, before the fifth set, that break, can you please look it up and let me know next time?”
[uredio faktografer - 02. rujna 2021. u 17:01]