Wimbledon 2009

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 16.06.2003.
Poruka: 18.025
06. srpnja 2009. u 20:25
A da li ste snimili da su mu rezervni reketi upakovani u plastiku sa njegovim RF logom?!?!?!?! Pa, to niko nikada nije imao. NIKADA!
Mislim, ipak.... malooooooo skmromnosti. Samo, maloooo.
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 12.06.2006.
Poruka: 20.131
06. srpnja 2009. u 20:40
Evo skupili neke od Federerovih bahatih izjava, sad naletio na drugom forumu.

Q: What do you think that you and the event have missed by not having Nadal here? ROGER FEDERER: (...)I think the story definitely was Murray in this tournament, you know, because of where he comes from, because of how good his game's gotten, you know, that he had a real chance of winning here. I think that's why Rafa got forgotten quite quickly, to be honest.

Federer: Murray Hasn't Won When It Matters Federer said: "I don't want to make excuses but he played me at a time when I had back problems which made it hard for me to call on my best performance level.

Well, look, it's always been my big strength. Once I get on a roll it's hard to stop me. It's always been like this. Even in my young days, you know, as a junior, I was always so talented.
(o sličnostima s Tigerom Woodsom). ROGER FEDERER: Well, success, I guess. I mean, I don't know what else to say. I mean, like we've been at the top for a very long time. We've been when you talk about golf, you talk about Tiger; when you talk about tennis, you talk about me
"I have actually helped more the other players than they have helped me to improve, because I put tennis in a different league."

"Look, I've always enjoyed playing against the Frenchmen. They have good techniques, playing style, unbelievable shot making. It sometimes tends to be to be a bit easier playing against them. They make you better tennis than, for instance the Spaniards, who are just going to throw the ball into play."// NADAL answers: "If I win the match 6-1, 6-1, later I say it's very nice to play against one player, too."

but Andy just sort of made his big breakthrough last year when he, what was it, finals of the Open? He's only been around at the very top, you know, for almost a year now.

Who said that? The bookies? Good for him,'' Federer said Tuesday at a news conference for the Kooyong exhibition tournament, his traditional tuneup for the year's first major. "It doesn't help him a whole lot. I've been in that position before as well and didn't make it.''

I think more people left feeling sorry for me than they were happy for Rafa.
sve prolazi sve se mijenja, idu dani idu godine, samo Zrinjski ostaje ponos moje Hercegovine
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 25.08.2008.
Poruka: 6.695
06. srpnja 2009. u 20:45

je velik tenisac al je mal covjek,obicno umisljeno govno ko i Cristiano Ronaldo Dead

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 16.06.2003.
Poruka: 18.025
06. srpnja 2009. u 20:49
Daj, doktore, nemoj me hebat da su ovo verbatim njegove izjave??? Pa, on je još stvarno težak egomanijak. Može li iko zamisliti Rafu kako govori ovakve stvari? Bože me sakloni! 
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 03.06.2009.
Poruka: 202
06. srpnja 2009. u 21:05
dr.Damir je napisao/la:
Evo skupili neke od Federerovih bahatih izjava, sad naletio na drugom forumu.

Q: What do you think that you and the event have missed by not having Nadal here? ROGER FEDERER: (...)I think the story definitely was Murray in this tournament, you know, because of where he comes from, because of how good his game's gotten, you know, that he had a real chance of winning here. I think that's why Rafa got forgotten quite quickly, to be honest.

Federer: Murray Hasn't Won When It Matters Federer said: "I don't want to make excuses but he played me at a time when I had back problems which made it hard for me to call on my best performance level.

Well, look, it's always been my big strength. Once I get on a roll it's hard to stop me. It's always been like this. Even in my young days, you know, as a junior, I was always so talented.
(o sličnostima s Tigerom Woodsom). ROGER FEDERER: Well, success, I guess. I mean, I don't know what else to say. I mean, like we've been at the top for a very long time. We've been when you talk about golf, you talk about Tiger; when you talk about tennis, you talk about me
"I have actually helped more the other players than they have helped me to improve, because I put tennis in a different league."

"Look, I've always enjoyed playing against the Frenchmen. They have good techniques, playing style, unbelievable shot making. It sometimes tends to be to be a bit easier playing against them. They make you better tennis than, for instance the Spaniards, who are just going to throw the ball into play."// NADAL answers: "If I win the match 6-1, 6-1, later I say it's very nice to play against one player, too."

but Andy just sort of made his big breakthrough last year when he, what was it, finals of the Open? He's only been around at the very top, you know, for almost a year now.

Who said that? The bookies? Good for him,'' Federer said Tuesday at a news conference for the Kooyong exhibition tournament, his traditional tuneup for the year's first major. "It doesn't help him a whole lot. I've been in that position before as well and didn't make it.''

I think more people left feeling sorry for me than they were happy for Rafa.
Vidi cijeli citat

Kao prvo , mislim da je puno ovih izjava izvučeno iz konteksta, što novinari vole raditi. Osim toga, postoji razlika između bahatosti te iskrenosti i otvorenosti. Čovjek je svjestan svog talenta i uspjeha i ne pokušava glumiti lažnu skromnost. I njegove izjave o Murrayu i Đokoviću su skroz na mjestu. Kako netko može staviti Murraya kao prvog favorita na AOpenu, a tek je 4. nositelj i najbolji prijašnji rezultat mu je četvrtfinale? Gluposti.
Svi prigovaraju Fedu što je kritizirao Đokovića, a šta mu je tek Roddick rekao nakon što mu je ovaj predao na ovogodišnjem AOpenu? Pa nikom ništa...
A što se tiče Nadala. Skroman, pristojan, blablabla. Koliko je samo puta nakon poraza rekao da je igrao loše, a ni riječi o protivnikovoj igri. Da ne govorim o tome kako nikad ne obrazloži svoje mišljenje jer ne zna 2 riječi engleskog, a već 5 godina daje intervjue. A što je s njegovim direktnim kršenjem pravila o dozvoljenom vremenu između servisa? Radi to već godinama, a nikom ništa...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 14.03.2006.
Poruka: 34.766
06. srpnja 2009. u 21:12
King_roger sve vise i vise mi se cini da bi ti moga bit Mico Dusanovic......toliko si nerealan, izjave ti nemaju veze s vezon ( ova izjava o Rafi ti je dno dna )....mozda da si kupis jedan Federerov poster za svoje kupatilo....mislin da je to najbolje rijesenje

PS: Soderling momentalno bolji od Hewitta...pa imas li ti oci....po meni ovo je najbolji Hewitt ikad....
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 30.08.2006.
Poruka: 725
06. srpnja 2009. u 21:19
Izvlačenje iz konteksta, tendeciozne interpretacije, duh inkvizicije..
Opsesivno bavljenje nekim karakteristikama osoba koje su privatna stvar...
Federer izvlači od svojih mrzitelja ono najgore ...
Sličnom metodom mogao bih kod njegovih rivala montirati daleko gore stvari .
[uredio agassi - 06. srpnja 2009. u 21:22]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.11.2006.
Poruka: 1.471
06. srpnja 2009. u 21:24
king_roger je napisao/la:
dr.Damir je napisao/la:
Evo skupili neke od Federerovih bahatih izjava, sad naletio na drugom forumu.

Q: What do you think that you and the event have missed by not having Nadal here? ROGER FEDERER: (...)I think the story definitely was Murray in this tournament, you know, because of where he comes from, because of how good his game's gotten, you know, that he had a real chance of winning here. I think that's why Rafa got forgotten quite quickly, to be honest.

Federer: Murray Hasn't Won When It Matters Federer said: "I don't want to make excuses but he played me at a time when I had back problems which made it hard for me to call on my best performance level.

Well, look, it's always been my big strength. Once I get on a roll it's hard to stop me. It's always been like this. Even in my young days, you know, as a junior, I was always so talented.
(o sličnostima s Tigerom Woodsom). ROGER FEDERER: Well, success, I guess. I mean, I don't know what else to say. I mean, like we've been at the top for a very long time. We've been when you talk about golf, you talk about Tiger; when you talk about tennis, you talk about me
"I have actually helped more the other players than they have helped me to improve, because I put tennis in a different league."

"Look, I've always enjoyed playing against the Frenchmen. They have good techniques, playing style, unbelievable shot making. It sometimes tends to be to be a bit easier playing against them. They make you better tennis than, for instance the Spaniards, who are just going to throw the ball into play."// NADAL answers: "If I win the match 6-1, 6-1, later I say it's very nice to play against one player, too."

but Andy just sort of made his big breakthrough last year when he, what was it, finals of the Open? He's only been around at the very top, you know, for almost a year now.

Who said that? The bookies? Good for him,'' Federer said Tuesday at a news conference for the Kooyong exhibition tournament, his traditional tuneup for the year's first major. "It doesn't help him a whole lot. I've been in that position before as well and didn't make it.''

I think more people left feeling sorry for me than they were happy for Rafa.
Vidi cijeli citat

Kao prvo , mislim da je puno ovih izjava izvučeno iz konteksta, što novinari vole raditi. Osim toga, postoji razlika između bahatosti te iskrenosti i otvorenosti. Čovjek je svjestan svog talenta i uspjeha i ne pokušava glumiti lažnu skromnost. I njegove izjave o Murrayu i Đokoviću su skroz na mjestu. Kako netko može staviti Murraya kao prvog favorita na AOpenu, a tek je 4. nositelj i najbolji prijašnji rezultat mu je četvrtfinale? Gluposti.
Svi prigovaraju Fedu što je kritizirao Đokovića, a šta mu je tek Roddick rekao nakon što mu je ovaj predao na ovogodišnjem AOpenu? Pa nikom ništa...
A što se tiče Nadala. Skroman, pristojan, blablabla. Koliko je samo puta nakon poraza rekao da je igrao loše, a ni riječi o protivnikovoj igri. Da ne govorim o tome kako nikad ne obrazloži svoje mišljenje jer ne zna 2 riječi engleskog, a već 5 godina daje intervjue. A što je s njegovim direktnim kršenjem pravila o dozvoljenom vremenu između servisa? Radi to već godinama, a nikom ništa...
Vidi cijeli citat

Koliko sam ja primjetila Nadal baš uvijek daje priznanje svome protivniku. Prvo s tim krene, ali onda i iskreno analizira svoju igru. Pa neće valjda reći da je igrao dobro ako svi vidimo da nije. I naravno da mu je engleski problem pa se muči kako da nešto kaže, pa su mu presice uglavnom uvijek iste, dok su one na njegovom jeziku puno sadržajnije. Ali i u njima  ne traži izlike za poraz.
Mene je Federer razočarao svojim ponašanjem, vidi se da je pravi egomanijak, ali zato njegov tenis govori za njega.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.11.2006.
Poruka: 1.471
06. srpnja 2009. u 21:26
agassi je napisao/la:
Izvlačenje iz konteksta, tendeciozne interpretacije, duh inkvizicije..
Opsesivno bavljenje nekim karakteristikama osoba koje su privatna stvar...
Federer izvlači od svojih mrzitelja ono najgore ...
Sličnom metodom mogao bih kod njegovih rivala montirati daleko gore stvari .
Vidi cijeli citat

Ma nije izvlačenje iz konteksta, nego jednostavno otkad je počeo gubiti sve više ljudi primjećuje tu njegovu narav.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 30.08.2006.
Poruka: 725
06. srpnja 2009. u 21:32
Nikita, Hewitt je igrao s Nadalom 2 dana prije nego Soderling. Rezultat nešto govori.
Soderling je kao i Haas gubio zadnji period samo od Feda.
A Hewitt nema onu brzinu koju je imao prije 5-7 godina . A ona je pokretač njegove igre.
Inače se ne može uspoređivati ždrijeb Roddicka i Fedexa - Rodick je u poziciji 5-8 i morao bi imati teži ždrijeb (a nije).
Uspredimo ždrijeb Murraya i Fedexa - oni su ista kategorija.