Cruijff - Cruyff, van Niesteroij - van Niesteroy, Makaaij - Makaay.
Možda sam ih krivo spellao, ali manje bitno. y kao takav ne postoji u nizozemskom jeziku. A kada se piše y misli se na "slovo" IJ. Zato jer su pisanim slovima skoro identični i zato jer se ij čitao kao što se i y čita u engleskom. Pa se nizozemska prezimena, radi lakšeg izgovora, u inozemstvu često pišu sa y. Oboje je ispravno, ali nizoemski je sa IJ
Sa wikipedije:
The IJ is different from the letter Y. It used to be
common, in particular when writing in capitals, to write Y in stead of
IJ. In fact this was the official spelling in the earlier part of the
19th century.[citation needed] That
practice has now long been deprecated, but Dutch children still tend to
pronounce the letter Y as ij when reading the alphabet.[citation needed] Also,
in scientific disciplines such as mathematics
and physics, the symbol y is usually pronounced ij.[citation needed]
In Dutch, the letter Y only occurs in loanwords,
proper names, or in (variantly spelled) old Dutch. Y is called Griekse
IJ ("Greek Y"), I-grec (the latter from French, with the stress on grec), or Ypsilon. However, in the related language Afrikaans,
the Y has replaced the IJ. Furthermore, the names of
Dutch immigrants to the United States, Canada and
often were Anglicized, so that the IJ became a Y; for
example, the surname Spijker often became Spyker.
[uredio Elven - 12. srpnja 2010. u 17:23]