nazgul je napisao/la:
kakva neviđena krađa!! čisti ofsajd kod gola MU a sudac ništa :) a i nemogu nigdi naći poništen gol a nisam baš skužija zašto je poništen...
Vidi cijeli citat
Pogledaj drugi dijagram, lijepo ti piše ispod:
"The blue forward on the left of the diagram is in an offside position as he is in front of both the second-to-last defender (marked by the dotted line) and the ball. Note that this does not necessarily mean he is committing an offside offence; it only becomes an offence if the ball were to be played to him at this moment, whether or not he is in an offside positionwhen he receives the ball, as he could receive the ball in anonside position but he'd still have committed an offside offence."
Nije bilo igrano za Van Persieja nego za Welbecka u toj akciji.