Dinko Bilich je napisao/la:
Hercules33 je napisao/la:
Dinko Bilich je napisao/la:
Hercules33 je napisao/la:
Fit je bio kad je ima 18 godina,sad je samo debelo prase,ima kila ko i ante žižić,da je fit bio bi korektniji u obrani,sad je samo prosječan u tom segmentu.Ali je u pravu si nije tu tema debeli,tako da bolje da si prokomentira u kratkim crtama utakmicu učinke igrača,itd,po te info. sam zapravo i doša.Hvala
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s obzirom da bruje stručnjaci da je fit,a i meni tako izgleda,puno ću prije vjerovati njima nego tebi. prosječan je,igra na strani pomoći,odmara za napad. da ima 5-10 kg manje,bio bi slabiji košarkaš,a možda bolji basketaš.
pa zar nisam prokomentira?vidi mi u tražilicu upise na ovu temu pa ćeš se uvjeriti
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Ma slabo ti to nešto
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Although previously critiqued for his body and lack of fitness, Luka has noticeably slimmed down during this summer, sparking talks about an even more dominant NBA season in the future.
Anze Macek, the kinesiologist who has been working with Doncic for the past two years, gave some insight about the regime change the Slovenian wunderkind took this offseason.
"Shortly after the end of the season, he contacted me and said that he wanted to start fitness training immediately. Together with Goran Dragic, they worked for three weeks," Macek said to SportKlub Slovenija. "The national team action followed. When he went on vacation, he asked me for a work plan."
"He remains active," he said. "I am in contact with him almost on a daily basis. He keeps his shape. He will improve everything during the national team practices where he will prepare with maximum effort."
The comments about his body have no real impact on Luka, Macek says. On the contrary, they drive him forward, the Slovenian team fitness coach is certain.
"Luka is a global star. In plain sight. People follow him every step of the way, as far as possible. Therefore, evil tongues also appear very quickly. Maybe they are trying to get to him by commenting on each photo. But that's really not a good way," Macek explained. "He always has an answer. This only further motivates him and drives him forward."
Where is Luka's ceiling? Nobody probably knows but Macek is sure - even though Doncic is tremendous in some regards, he still has room to improve.
"Each athlete always has certain reserves. Everyone can always be better," Macek said. "Doncic is extremely strong. He has tremendous eccentric power. That's why he can make these quick stops and changes of direction and rhythm in the game. It will certainly get better over the years. He is also increasingly aware of the importance of physical preparation. That's why I believe in progress."
vidim da ti je cilj provocirati
Ma hahah vidiš da te zajebavam a ti se hvataš beze heheh.Luku nećemo komentirat više,definitivno je trenutno reka bih najbolje od najboljih,tako d anema smisla.Ali definitivno mu u 90 posto slučajeva sudci dopuštaju svašta,gleda sam dosta nba prošle sezone dončić puno kmeči,znači mali dodir i odmah se sudi faul na njemu,ako se ne sudi faul na njemu odmah kmeči ko curica,ok svi đele pobijedit ali baš na ovakav način to koristit je smješno i jadno,još to nije bilo tko nego jedan Dončić.E sad po komentarima vidim da je hezonja odigra ništa.Ja jednostavno njega ne vidim u nekakvoj drugoj ulozi osim da carini loptu i igra 1 na 5,a za timsku igru on baš nije,on koda je ljut na sve oko sebe kad nema loptu u rukama non stop.