[QUOTE] The former head coach of AEK Athens, Dragan Sakota, was also at the gym, where together with Peja Stojakovic watched with great interest the Greek national team's game, commenting: "They are a very good team. The kids have to keep a good psychology and remain grounded and focused, because each game is critical. Winning the first place of the group will be essential in order to give them a head start for the next round". In regard to his son, who is the youngest member of the team, coach Sakota had to say: "My son is a proud member of this team. At the moment, he's its youngest player and he has to work hard to earn his position".
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prodana dusa,a i ovi hebeni grci.ako niste pratili siruaciju,ovaj mali sakota je dugo odbio igrati za grcku (npr proslo ljeto u njemackoj) ali grci su ga prisilili da igra za njih,po principu "izgubit ces grcko drzavljanstvo ako ne igras za nas".kako bi volio da neko zacepi te grke,ako bog da neka to budemo mi