Bliski istok u plamenu (sezona 2023 - )

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 11.800
06. prosinca 2024. u 20:00

jako je ovo cudno sta se djesava. realno kao u afganistan da 42 milion ljudi u afganistan nemoze pobediti 100.000 talibani. oni bi za mesec dana strusio talibani.


ovi u syrija se transportiraju sa automobili i koristi mitroleza starije od grcka. ma da. rusija i iran nemoze tak pobediti.


tako je kada ima kontraktori na fotelja u syrija i afganistan. kontraktora rade ono sta gazdi u usa i rusija kaze.


valda ugovor trump putim, turska, katar. nesto dajes a drugo dobies.


zao mene ljudi u syrija i afganistan. sa koga imao posla ? sa rusija i usa 😂


pustio oni narodu kros voda i jedne i drugi. 


aj srecno, zavieni zeni. burki. sharija zakon.

[uredio Stefan84 - 06. prosinca 2024. u 20:05]
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.562
07. prosinca 2024. u 20:38

I’ve fought in #Syria for half a decade—as an SDF soldier. In that time, I studied war, drew battle plans, and learned to know my enemy. When HTS seized their first village, I saw what few others could. Take a peek at what’s coming next—a 🧵

Assad’s forces are done. Homs is indefensible—his best troops were in Hama, and when the time came for close quarters urban combat, they folded. SAA must retreat now, taking forces and materiel to the Nusayriyah Mountains to their last defensible line.

2/ If they don’t move soon, they risk losing both troops and resources they can’t afford to replace. Tartus is non-negotiable for the regime—it’s home to Russia’s naval base, the only reason Assad is still in power.

3/ This is a chess game now, but Assad’s pieces are being swept off the board faster than he can move them. SAA need to set up fortifications stretching from: Krak des Chevaliers, To the M4 highway heading to Latakia. They must deny access to the coastline at all costs.

4/ A loss of Tartus doesn’t just jeopardize Assad—it threatens Russia’s entire Mediterranean foothold. That base is key to resupplying the remnants of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). Lose it, and it’s game over.

5/ As Clausewitz said, "War is merely the continuation of politics by other means." Jolani has flipped this—using politics to prepare for war. Years of diplomacy with historical enemies have paid off. In northern Hama, HTS secured peaceful takeovers and defections.

6/ But the most outstanding part is Jolani's "too good to be true" proposal for a decentralized Syria ruled by councils that recognize Syria’s ethnic, religious, and sectarian diversity—essentially what AANES proposed from day one, only to be rejected by Assad at every turn.

7/ Turkey is furious at Jolani’s decentralization rhetoric. By Erdogan’s decree, all HTS assets in Turkey have been frozen, sending a clear signal. For Ankara, HTS’s overtures threaten its main goal: destroying the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.

8/ Erdogan's fury ties back to the 2016 invasion: Operation Euphrates Shield meant to block Afrin from uniting with Manbij and the rest of Rojava. For Ankara, ISIS wasn’t the problem; but the solution to the Kurdish question—but Kobane stood, and pushed back, and AANES was born.

9/ Turkey’s occupation of northern Syria has one goal: dismantling AANES at all costs. HTS’s push for decentralization revives the vision Turkey invaded to destroy, putting Ankara and Jolani on a direct collision course.

10/ Ankara has one last card to play: The SNA Mercs فجر الحرية: Turkey’s proxies currently ethnically cleansing Kurds in Shehba (around Tal Rifaat), forcing mass displacements to AANES areas, and committing war crimes—lootings, kidnappings, killings, wherever they go.

11/These SNA proxies include groups like Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki and Ahrar al-Sharqiya, central players in Turkey’s invasions of Afrin (2018) and Serekaniye (2019). Rebranded under the SNA to evade accountability, their war crimes—documented and often self-published.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 23.04.2018.
Poruka: 1.235
07. prosinca 2024. u 22:41

madmax17 je napisao/la:

I’ve fought in #Syria for half a decade—as an SDF soldier. In that time, I studied war, drew battle plans, and learned to know my enemy. When HTS seized their first village, I saw what few others could. Take a peek at what’s coming next—a 🧵

Assad’s forces are done. Homs is indefensible—his best troops were in Hama, and when the time came for close quarters urban combat, they folded. SAA must retreat now, taking forces and materiel to the Nusayriyah Mountains to their last defensible line.

2/ If they don’t move soon, they risk losing both troops and resources they can’t afford to replace. Tartus is non-negotiable for the regime—it’s home to Russia’s naval base, the only reason Assad is still in power.

3/ This is a chess game now, but Assad’s pieces are being swept off the board faster than he can move them. SAA need to set up fortifications stretching from: Krak des Chevaliers, To the M4 highway heading to Latakia. They must deny access to the coastline at all costs.

4/ A loss of Tartus doesn’t just jeopardize Assad—it threatens Russia’s entire Mediterranean foothold. That base is key to resupplying the remnants of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). Lose it, and it’s game over.

5/ As Clausewitz said, "War is merely the continuation of politics by other means." Jolani has flipped this—using politics to prepare for war. Years of diplomacy with historical enemies have paid off. In northern Hama, HTS secured peaceful takeovers and defections.

6/ But the most outstanding part is Jolani's "too good to be true" proposal for a decentralized Syria ruled by councils that recognize Syria’s ethnic, religious, and sectarian diversity—essentially what AANES proposed from day one, only to be rejected by Assad at every turn.

7/ Turkey is furious at Jolani’s decentralization rhetoric. By Erdogan’s decree, all HTS assets in Turkey have been frozen, sending a clear signal. For Ankara, HTS’s overtures threaten its main goal: destroying the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.

8/ Erdogan's fury ties back to the 2016 invasion: Operation Euphrates Shield meant to block Afrin from uniting with Manbij and the rest of Rojava. For Ankara, ISIS wasn’t the problem; but the solution to the Kurdish question—but Kobane stood, and pushed back, and AANES was born.

9/ Turkey’s occupation of northern Syria has one goal: dismantling AANES at all costs. HTS’s push for decentralization revives the vision Turkey invaded to destroy, putting Ankara and Jolani on a direct collision course.

10/ Ankara has one last card to play: The SNA Mercs فجر الحرية: Turkey’s proxies currently ethnically cleansing Kurds in Shehba (around Tal Rifaat), forcing mass displacements to AANES areas, and committing war crimes—lootings, kidnappings, killings, wherever they go.

11/These SNA proxies include groups like Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki and Ahrar al-Sharqiya, central players in Turkey’s invasions of Afrin (2018) and Serekaniye (2019). Rebranded under the SNA to evade accountability, their war crimes—documented and often self-published.

Vidi cijeli citat

Balkanizacija države i potencijalno nova Libija

Neka mi netko objasni sirijsku vojsku koja metka ispalila nije (čast izuzecima)

Ovo mi jako smrdi na neku visoko političku podjelu

Prkos moćnome, zaštita slabome
Pristupio: 10.11.2003.
Poruka: 90.340
07. prosinca 2024. u 22:44

ovo ce totalno oslabiti Ruski utjecaj tamo, stovise nisu Asadu uspjeli pomoci ni na koji nacin

izbacuju ih od tamo iz igre

Domovine sin
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 23.04.2018.
Poruka: 1.235
07. prosinca 2024. u 22:46

Vilenjak je napisao/la:

ovo ce totalno oslabiti Ruski utjecaj tamo, stovise nisu Asadu uspjeli pomoci ni na koji nacin

izbacuju ih od tamo iz igre

Vidi cijeli citat

Čini mi se da nisu ni htjeli pomoći

S druge strane džaba ti i pomoć ako se sam nemos obranit i napuštaš gradove 

Pa kakva god vojska ti je s druge strane urbane bitke su najteže i iziskuju puno žrtava i materijala, znači možeš ih zadržat dok potencijalno pojačanje ne stigne (Vukovar, Bakhmut, Mariupolj, Alep 2012.-2016.)

[uredio Gaz97 - 07. prosinca 2024. u 22:47]
Prkos moćnome, zaštita slabome
Pristupio: 10.11.2003.
Poruka: 90.340
07. prosinca 2024. u 22:48

nisu mogli pomoci jer nemaju snage pomoci, posto se tamo sa svih strana napada, nesto su malo upotrijebili avione i to je to, inace su 2017 sami rijesili sve probleme Asadove tamo

sad ocekujem da ce se povuci iz one 2 like koje drze

Domovine sin
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 23.04.2018.
Poruka: 1.235
07. prosinca 2024. u 22:54

Vilenjak je napisao/la:

nisu mogli pomoci jer nemaju snage pomoci, posto se tamo sa svih strana napada, nesto su malo upotrijebili avione i to je to, inace su 2017 sami rijesili sve probleme Asadove tamo

sad ocekujem da ce se povuci iz one 2 like koje drze

Vidi cijeli citat

Ma ne znam ni sam

Činjenica jest da su bili zatečeni i nespremni a "umjereni" su se naoružavali zadnje 4 godine i spremali

S druge strane nemoguće je da se iz svakog grada povučeš jer? Slabiji si? Manje vojnika imaš? Opet si u urbanoj bitci, nanijet ćeš im velike gubitke

Potpuno mobilizirana sirijska vojska ima sigurno preko 200k vojnika

Pitanje je navodne velike korupcije i potplacenosti

S druge strane pričalo se i o "ghost armies" tj vojskama na papiru kao što su ako se ne varam poznata i uspješna 4 divizija i još par njih tipa tigrovi... Pitanje je gdje su ti ljudi? Ili su demobilizirani ili raspušteni ili su takvi naputci, valjda ćemo uskoro saznat istinu

Prkos moćnome, zaštita slabome
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 23.04.2018.
Poruka: 1.235
07. prosinca 2024. u 23:06

Jedan libanonski novinar je ovo napisao

Armed men from Homs:

The battle was at its end and our attack was about to be withdrawn.

Suddenly the army withdrew and the road was opened for us...


Pričaju da se radi o puču, tj da se očito ne žele borit što bi objasnilo sva povlačenja iz gradova 

Prkos moćnome, zaštita slabome
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 11.800
07. prosinca 2024. u 23:16

iran mogao ubacati hezbola. oni koj nerazume da afganistan i syrija je ugovoreno od mocni centri. taj covek nema kontakt sa realnosta.


putin prodao syrija osim obala i dobio ukraina. pro ruski presednik uskoro tano.


sada ostane ovi pro ruski botovi ko admiral davor domazet loso da kenja po internet kod vasko eftov isto kako sta kenjao usa botova nekon povratak talibane bez upalen metak u afganistan.


a ovi zapad naziva al kejda lidera rebel. malo morgen da ce oni jihadisti promovirati multi etnicka drzava.


asad izdajnik svoi narod i drzava ko sluga vladimir putin. on bez problema bez rusija bi porazio ovi parazita i brada na al kajda. isto ko ovi u afganistan.

[uredio Stefan84 - 07. prosinca 2024. u 23:38]
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 19.07.2012.
Poruka: 14.773
07. prosinca 2024. u 23:38

Ovo je izgledao pao neki dogovor gdje su i Rusi uključeni te su svjesno žrtvovali baze, Assad tj. SAA čak i u vrijeme kada su imali najveće gubitke 2015 prije uključenja Rusa i tamo gdje nije bio Hezbollah te Iranci su znali pružati otpor kada je Al Nusra i ISIL imao daleko veće snage. Ovo je palo kao domino, bez borbe...

O tome da nisu znali šta Turci pripremaju još manje vjerujem, ruske tajne službe su Eroganu javile za puč i spriječile njegov pad 2016, a sad nisu znali da Turska aktivno naoružava desetke tisuća terorista...

Ameri su željeli plinovod iz Katra te pomoći Izraelu

Izrael je želio prekid opskrbe Hezbolahu iz Irana

Edogan širi svoj utjecaj i opet plinovod koji će ići preko Turske za Europu što mu daje mogućnost ucjena te zaradu...

Pitanje je što su Rusi i Iranci dobili jer su svjesno žrtvovali Assada i Siriju..To ćemo tek vidjeti.