Duje77 je napisao/la:
Theresa May says such attacks "will not break us", but her own life is lived in a bullet-proof bubble, and she evidently does not need to identify any young people today in Manchester morgues. Also, "will not break us" means that the tragedy will not break her, or her policies on immigration. The young people of Manchester are already broken - thanks all the same, Theresa. Sadiq Khan says "London is united with Manchester", but he does not condemn Islamic State - who have claimed responsibility for the bomb. The Queen receives absurd praise for her 'strong words' against the attack, yet she does not cancel today's garden party at Buckingham Palace - for which no criticism is allowed in the Britain of free press. Manchester mayor Andy Burnham says the attack is the work of an "extremist". An extreme what? An extreme rabbit?
In modern Britain everyone seems petrified to officially say what we all say in private. Politicians tell us they are unafraid, but they are never the victims. How easy to be unafraid when one is protected from the line of fire. The people have no such protections.
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europska ljevica živi u takvom brutalnom poricanju da uopće ne žele reći ''islam'' i ''terorizam'' u istoj rečenici, to je nešto nevjerojatno.
najbolesnije od svega da su glavne poruke nakon ovakvih pokolja 'nastavit ćemo živjeti kao da se ništa nije dogodilo'. pa dobro, reci to roditeljima raznesene djece.
u prijevodu- nećemo ponuditi riješenje kako ubuduće spriječiti masakre nevinih ljudi jer kao što reče ian -rješenja nema. nedajbože pojačati obavještajni nadzor, to bi nas vratilo par stoljeća unazad. moramo se naime pomiriti da život u velikom gradu znači suživot s terorizmom kao što kaže londonski gradonačelnik. another day in the office, to je poruka. ok, on je musliman pa je razumljivo da je i apologet islama. problem je u liberalnoj ljevici koja vlada europom i koja smatra da je svakim novim pokoljem najbolje zabiti glavu u vlastiti anus što dublje i nadati se da će problem s vremenom sam od sebe nestati.