Tako je... I mahom bi o tome ovisio rezultat. Ima dosta igrača koji su igrali NHL, ali se vraćaju u KHL jer zna biti veća lova u igri, a i nekima se ide doma. Tako da je kvaliteta lige dosta dobra. Mislim da se Avangard, SKA, Dynamo Moskva mogu nositi s bilo kojim NHL klubom. S jačim klubovima bi sigurno pitanje veličine leda bilo dosta bitno.
Inače, KHL je izdao priopćenje vezano za štrajk u NHL-u s pravilima po kojima klubovi mogu potpisati NHL igrače. Bome su se fino zaštitili, a opet dali opciju da najbolji zaigraju ako se ima love.
Priopćenje s KHL stranice:
The Kontinental Hockey League has released the details of an amendment to KHL Regulations governing the signing by KHL clubs of players currently under contract to National Hockey League clubs in the event of an NHL lock-out .
The document comes into effect in the event of the NHL officially announcing the lock-out and would remain in force until the NHL officially declares the lock-out to be over. The amendment will cover players with existing NHL contracts, excluding those with two-way NHL contracts who are consigned by their clubs to lower league teams for the duration of the lockout.
KHL Hockey Operations Vice-President Vladimir Shalaev outlined the main points of the amendment:
"Our clubs have been granted the opportunity to enter into contracts and place on their main rosters no more than three NHL players, and the previously established limit of 25 players per team may be exceeded by the addition of these players. For Russian clubs, only one of the three NHL players may be a foreigner, and this player must meet one of the following criteria set down to ensure that only top-level foreign players come to play in the Kontinental Hockey League.”
Criteria for foreign players signed from NHL:
- Has played no fewer than 150 games in the NHL over the last three seasons;
- Has experience of playing in the KHL;
- Represented his country at one of the last two IIHF World Championships, World Junior Championships or the Olympics;
- Is a Stanley Cup winner, a Stanley Cup finalist, or a winner of one of the individual prizes awarded by the National Hockey League at the close of the season.
KHL clubs based in countries other than Russia may sign more than one foreign player among the maximum three NHL players. Moreover, the above criteria for foreign players will not apply to KHL clubs based outside Russia.
In the event of a lock-out in the NHL, the maximum number of foreign players at any one KHL club will therefore rise from five to six players. The limit of five foreign players named in the roster for a given KHL game remains in force, as does the maximum of one foreign goaltender per club.
The wages paid to NHL players signed during the lock-out will not count towards the KHL clubs’ salary cap. However, the wages paid to the NHL player must not exceed 65% of the player’s wages as stipulated in his NHL contract for this season.
"The term of the contracts signed with NHL players must run until April 30th of next year, i.e. to the end of the 2012-13 season,” Vladimir Shalaev added. “However, the contract must contain a clause allowing immediate unilateral termination when the NHL lock-out is resolved. Naturally, no compensation will be paid for such a termination of contract. The KHL Central Information Bureau will be the determining agency regarding the sporting rights to NHL players with regard to KHL clubs, and the clubs have the right to alter and amend such rights in accordance with current KHL Regulations. The Regulations governing players’ medical, health, and life insurance apply in full to NHL players signed during the lock-out, but clubs may purchase additional insurance at their own discretion.”
[uredio sraka - 13. rujna 2012. u 17:07]
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