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FIFA je ocito odlucila raz*ebat nogomet pa uvodi neka nova pravila, zasad samo test
FIFA will test a new offside rule! With the "Wenger law", the whole body of the opposing attacker will have to completely overtake the last defender for him to be in an illegal position. If one of the body parts is on the same line, then the attacker will not be offside! With this new rule, FIFA wants to put an end to millimetric offsides which leads to confusion with parts of the body taken into account and others not (for example the shoulder / upper arm of the opposing attacker on the offside line). Tests will take place in Sweden in U21, and potentially then in the Netherlands and Italy. A measure that will benefit attackers and will probably make matches richer in goals
Meni ovo više djeluje kao prvi april s nemalim zakašnjenjem ili kao pokušaj prilagođavanja pravila s ciljem postizanja većeg broja golova, u prijevodu, amerikanizacija.