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Svjetsko juniorsko prvenstvo 2007.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 09.06.2007.
Poruka: 4.405
26. kolovoza 2007. u 12:34
Šteta što nisu dobili ove talijančiće, a mogli su...
treba sad dobit srbe i uzet tu broncu barem
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 12.11.2005.
Poruka: 239
26. kolovoza 2007. u 15:59

Pa videcemo danas da li ce biti barem bronza ili utesno 4 mesto...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.08.2007.
Poruka: 6
26. kolovoza 2007. u 23:54

nadam se da cemo barem broncu osvojiti

[uredio Krampus - 27. kolovoza 2007. u 04:43]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.08.2007.
Poruka: 6
27. kolovoza 2007. u 04:44
i jesmo!
Hrvatska - Srbija 12 - 8
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 03.11.2005.
Poruka: 3.354
27. kolovoza 2007. u 05:39
Game 103:  Croatia (CRO) vs Serbia (SRB) on 8/26/2007
By Joan Gould @ 10:32 PM :: 4 Views :: 0 Comments :: Game 103: 16:00, Los Alamitos, Sunday, August 26, Play-off 3-4 (BRONZE)
Referees: Georgios STAVRIDIS (GRE), Filippo ROTUNNO (ITA)
Quarters: 4-2, 3-2, 2-3, 3-1
CROATIA: Egon JURISIC, Luka LONCAR, Ivan DELAS (1), Domagoj CULE (2),
Ivan BEBIC (1), Maro JOKOVIC (1), Boris POPOVIC, Igor RADMANOVIC, Sandro
SUKNO (2), Petar MUSLIN (2), Ivan BULJUBASIC (1), Josip SUTALO, Mirko NIZIC.  Head
Coach: Emil NIKOLIC.
FILIPOVIC, Miroslav RANDIC (1), Marko PETKOVIC, Petar IVOSEVIC (1), Stefan
Shooting success: CRO 12/26; SRB 8/29
Extra Man: CRO 6/10; SRB 5/9
Pen: CRO 0/1
Goalkeeper saves: CRO 8; SRB 5
Match Report:
Croatia gained its first bronze medal to go with a gold and two silvers
whenleading all the way against outgoing champion Serbia.
Croatia started the best possible way with four unanswered goals.
Jokovic, Buljubasic and Bebic on extra while Sukno¹s goal was laser-like from
the top. Bebic gained his by stealing the ball, immediately gaining an
ejection on his defender and swam halfway up the pool to taunt Marinkovic and
score two goals in 35 seconds by Serbia, playing without the services of
banned head coach Emil Nikolic, struck back through Ivosevic on a cross pass
on extra to the far post and Rackov on left-hand catch.
Saponic continued the Serbian charge in the second period on extra to
close to one but Cule responded from the top on extra. Rackov replied for
5-4, also on extra. Delas slapped in a loose ball off a rebound on extra and
Cule loosed a shot from the top on action at 0:52 for the final scoring of
the half and 7-4 to Croatia. Saponic scored from eight metres at the top of the third but Muslin
muscled in his 27th goal of the tournament from two metres for 8-5. Sukno
scored his second on extra for a three-goal lead again. Filipovic left the water,
as he did in the second quarter, with a sore right shoulder. Serbia took a
timeout on extra and Rackov converted his second on extra and third of the
match for 9-7 at 0:45. Loncar and Jokovic, for his 20th goal of the week, took Croatia to a
near-unassailable, four-goal lead at 5:54. A Croatian timeout soon
after led to a blocked shot and Muslin gaining the ball at centre forward,
turning and scoring for 12-7. Less than a minute later, Muslin¹s game was over
when sent for misconduct for an apparent hit to an opponent¹s face. It didn¹t
matter, there wasn¹t going to be extra time. He had a bronze medal. There was
time but the Croatian defence was too good and the minutes ticked down.
Croatia drew a penalty at 0:39 on Randic for his third. Cule took the penalty
and hit the crossbar. Serbia called timeout but the instructions to the
team were drowned out by the Croatian fans behind the team. The ploy worked and
Tomasevic converted for 12-8 to close the match

ipak medalja iako je trebala biti ljepšeg sjaja..
ali dobro..
® Picek
Inati se Slavonijo!

Život leti kapetane...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 14.08.2004.
Poruka: 226
27. kolovoza 2007. u 05:52
Cestitke nasima na pobjedi.Smile
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 14.06.2004.
Poruka: 12.757
27. kolovoza 2007. u 12:31
opet Madjari se vratili na krov ,steta sto izgubivsmo za punat do finalé :-(
"A basket makes one man happy, an assist makes two men happy." - Toni Kukoc
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.05.2007.
Poruka: 1.224
27. kolovoza 2007. u 12:37
Ajde kad nismo prvi da smo bar Srbe dobili!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 27.926
27. kolovoza 2007. u 13:12
bravo momci, medalja je medalja za juniore nije ni toliko bitno, kvaliteta je tu to je važno, neki naš je prvi strijelac turnira  valjda je osvojio zlatne gaće Thumbs%20Up
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 01.04.2004.
Poruka: 16.726
27. kolovoza 2007. u 14:16
Insun je napisao/la:
Ajde kad nismo prvi da smo bar Srbe dobili!
Vidi cijeli citat

je, to je najbitnije, inace ne bi mogel spavati...yebes srebro i broncu, treba srbe dobit. Ja cak mislim da je pobjeda protiv srbije vaznija od zlata...Dead
Mi gradimo prugu, pruga gradi nas!